Every woman dreams of a tight and beautiful tummy, only then does it look truly attractive and sexy. But, often, despite all the efforts, it is not possible to get rid of extra centimeters and hated cellulite. Nevertheless, there are methods that can significantly improve the shape of the abdomen and significantly reduce the waist circumference.

Step 1
The main factors that contribute to weight gain are, first of all, excessive consumption of carbohydrates and table salt, as well as a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet. But still, getting rid of excess weight, although very difficult, is quite possible.
Step 2
Getting rid of bad habits
First of all, you need to change your habits. If you like, for example, cakes and other sweets, then in order for the diet to really be effective, you will need to give up them. There are a lot of simple carbohydrates in sweets, so they need to be replaced with complex ones. They are found in wholemeal bread or porridge.
Step 3
To make your belly appear smaller, you need to reduce the consumption of foods that cause it to bloat, these include: cabbage, garlic, legumes, hot spices, fruit juices, fried foods, cookies. You should not make restrictions on the use of fiber, as it promotes harmony and regulates the intestines.
Step 4
Stressful situations
Stressful situations should be avoided, since the level of kartosil (a hormone that responds to stress and provokes an increase in blood glucose levels) in such people is very high. Excessive amounts of it lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and neck, while the arms and legs remain rather slim.
Step 5
Workouts for the abdomen
To achieve the desired result, you must combine aerobic exercise with strength. With intensive training of the abdominal muscles, blood circulation increases and their work is activated. Exercise should be done every other day, this will allow the muscles to recover. The most important thing is that during training all groups of abdominal muscles are involved - longitudinal, straight and oblique.
Step 6
Treatments for the abdomen
To reduce the fat deposits in the abdominal area, a professional massage should be performed. If done by a specialist, it will be a great addition to your diet and exercise routine.
High-frequency modeling - a procedure that is based on the use of high-frequency energy, will heat the tissues and thereby induce them to activity, as a result of which the breakdown of adipose tissue is accelerated. Procedures based on radio waves will help stimulate the burning of fat and improve the process of collagen production. It helps to tighten and smooth the skin, as well as eliminate cellulite.
One of the most effective weight loss methods is injections. Especially good results are obtained by mesotherapy with the use of lipolytics.