How To Restore Atrophied Muscles

How To Restore Atrophied Muscles
How To Restore Atrophied Muscles

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Due to prolonged immobility as a result of injury or other disease, the patient's muscles can atrophy. To remedy the situation, doctors have developed several techniques that will help the convalescent regain mobility.

How to restore atrophied muscles
How to restore atrophied muscles


Step 1

Talk to your healthcare professional about when and in what mode you can start exercising. If you still cannot move any part of the body, try to stretch the rest of the muscles, if possible, do the minimum exercises, even in the supine position. This will help you keep yourself in good shape.

Step 2

Sign up for physical therapy classes. For the classes to really be useful to you, they must be taught by a restorative medicine specialist. If you have been very seriously injured, you should get an individualized rehabilitation program from your doctor. Expect a full recovery to take a long time. For example, people with spinal cord injuries that did not lead to complete paralysis must exercise for an hour a day, almost daily for five to seven months to fully restore physical activity. With lighter injuries, recovery can go faster.

Step 3

Ask your teacher if you can do extra water. This will speed up your return to a healthy state. For full-fledged exercises, you may need the simplest sports equipment, for example, dumbbells and others. You can buy them at sports stores.

Step 4

Organize massage therapy sessions for yourself. If desired, a specialist will be able to come to your home for additional money. Massage can help you relax your muscles after exercise and avoid muscle leakage.

Step 5

Eat right. Proteins are useful for restoring and building muscle mass - moderate fat meat, poultry, fish, especially seafood, and seafood. Be careful with eggs - they are high in cholesterol. If you love them very much, eat no more than one yolk every two days, and protein can be consumed almost without restriction.
