There are a lot of exercises to improve shape and elasticity. These are special sets, developed by bodybuilding specialists, and the usual ones, which have long been known from school physical education lessons. If you don't have the opportunity to go to the gym, you can easily do a set of exercises at home to make your breasts look flawless.

Step 1
It is best to do your physical exercises not immediately after you wake up - at this time your muscles are still resting, but still before lunch. In the evening, when the body gets tired, classes also do not have the desired effect.
Step 2
Warm up your muscles with simple, light strokes before starting vigorous exercise. And then you can do something like this set of exercises:
Step 3
Take a rubber ball, stretch your arms out in front of you, bending them at the elbows. Press as hard as possible on the ball with your palms.
Step 4
Make circular movements with your shoulders in a clockwise direction. In this case, your hands should lie on your shoulders.
Step 5
Straighten up. Stretch one hand up and the other down and rotate them in different directions like a mill.
Step 6
Put your palms on the wall and try to get closer to it, and then push off sharply.
Step 7
Sitting on a chair, grab the sides of its back with your hands from behind, pull your elbows back and strongly bend your chest forward, pull your head back.
Step 8
Clasp the fingers of the arms bent shoulder-width apart and try to unhook them to the sides with a sharp movement.
Step 9
Interlace your fingers alternately behind your back - one hand from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top.
Step 10
Push up from the floor or window sill, spreading your arms wide, keep your forearm perpendicular to the floor or the edge of the window sill.
Step 11
Lying on your back, take the dumbbells in your hands and spread them to the sides. Lift the dumbbells up in front of you.
Step 12
Lying on the floor, bend your arms with dumbbells clamped in them at the elbows. Keep the dumbbells in front of you. Extend your arms and spread them apart without touching the floor.
Step 13
All exercises must be repeated 6 to 10 times. If you feel that you can easily cope with them and this is not enough, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions.
Step 14
At the end of the lesson, calm and relax your muscles: stand and just hold the kettlebells in your hands, shake your hands, rest your hands on the wall and hang on them for a few seconds.
Step 15
Take a heavy book and wear it on your head. This exercise can be repeated several times a day until you straighten your posture, which is necessary to improve not only the shape of your chest and your appearance, but also for your overall health.