A strong blow is appreciated in any martial arts, and therefore exercises aimed at developing a blow should be included in the training of each fighter. To do this, it is necessary to develop not only the muscles of the arms, but also the legs, because a good blow depends on coordinated movements of the whole body.

It is necessary
- - a barbell with a thickened neck;
- - barbell bar;
- - a hard little ball;
- - all-metal sledgehammer;
- - car tire;
- - heavy medicine ball;
- - dumbbells 0.5 kg each;
- - a bag of sand.
Step 1
Grasp a heavy barbell on the floor with your upper grip. Stand with your shins touching the bar. Lift the body, hold the bar in straight hands. Move your hips forward slightly as you lift. Then gently lower the projectile. Do 3-5 reps with as much weight as possible. A thicker bar puts more stress on the hands, which is necessary to develop a strong impact.
Step 2
Perform the previous exercise holding the barbell with only one hand. Do 3-5 reps for each hand.
Step 3
Take a hard rubber ball about the size of a tennis ball. Squeeze it in the palm of your hand as if you are trying to crush. The movement should be sharp at maximum effort. Perform the exercise in turn with both hands. In order for the interdigital muscles to receive the necessary load, daily work is needed. This exercise will make your fist harder and your punch faster and more powerful.
Step 4
Do the "shadow boxing" exercise with dumbbells weighing about 500 grams in your hands. Work daily at a fast pace for 5-10. Too heavy weight can interfere with the hitting technique.
Step 5
Lie on the floor and assume a "lying position". Slowly lower the body to the floor, trying to touch it with your chest. Immediately, with a sharp push, throw your body up and try to clap your hands under your chest. Land on bent arms. Plyometric push-ups will make your kick more powerful and faster.
Step 6
Hit the sandbag regularly. The blows should be quick and sharp. Try to twist your forearm and strike with the knuckles of your index and middle fingers. You should land 18-20 hits in a minute. Work continuously at maximum for 2-3 minutes. Do sets of 10 sets three times a week, with a short rest in between.
Step 7
During the blow, the main work falls on the triceps, and the developed biceps, on the contrary, stop the movement and prevent the hand from moving freely. Therefore, exclude exercises aimed at developing biceps from your workouts.
Step 8
Pick up an all-metal sledgehammer. Hit the car tire with all your might. The tire can be dug in halfway into the ground or suspended. The blows should be delivered from different directions: from above, to the right, to the left.
Step 9
Stand straight, hold the bar from the bar on outstretched arms in front of your chest. Gently pull the bar up to your chest, and then push it out sharply. Try to keep your arms parallel to the ground. If you have enough strength, jump from foot to foot at the same time as the jerks.
Step 10
Stand one meter in front of the wall. Take a heavy medball. Push it hard against the wall with force from your chest. The throw should be strong enough to bounce the ball into your hands. Gradually increase the distance to the wall.
Step 11
To strengthen your knuckles and not be afraid of injuring your thumb during a blow, regularly push up on your fists from a hard surface.