Walking is the most accessible exercise that can contribute to weight loss. Walking is a cardio exercise that primarily puts stress on the heart muscle. All processes in the body are activated, and subcutaneous fat begins to burn.

In order for walking to bring obvious results, several rules must be followed. Not every walking will help in losing weight; walking you will not achieve anything. To begin to actively consume subcutaneous fat, the pace of walking must exceed the average. The ideal speed would be 5-6 kilometers per hour.
Best level of exercise when walking
At this speed, after 10-15 minutes, breathing will become significantly more difficult, the pulse will increase to 130-140. It is this pulse mode that is considered ideal for fat burning. When the heart rate rises even more, carbohydrates begin to be used instead of fat. To keep your heart rate at 130-140 beats per minute, get yourself a watch with a heart rate monitor. Another way to check if your speed is perfect is to count the number of steps. At a speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour, you will take approximately 120 steps per minute.
The duration of the training also plays a significant role. For it to be effective, you need to spend at least an hour in brisk walking. Start with 40 minutes if you are in poor physical condition. Add every day for 5 minutes, bringing up to an hour. If time and condition permits, continue to increase the workout time.
When and how to train
It is best to exercise either on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. This will ensure that subcutaneous fat is being consumed. If the food does not have time to digest before training, it will be used as energy in the first place. Therefore, the ideal time for walking for weight loss is early morning or late evening.
Walking is low-intensity physical activity, so you shouldn't expect quick results. It needs to be dealt with systematically, spending a lot of time. You may need to get up before work an hour earlier to work out. However, walking has many advantages over more demanding activities. It does not load the musculoskeletal system and muscles so much. Walking is practically not traumatic, while while running you can stretch a muscle, while on a bicycle you can injure your knee.
It is imperative to do brisk walking in sports shoes. Better if your path runs through the green area. Do not forget about correct breathing: take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Do not breathe intermittently and shallowly, always take the deepest possible breaths, even if you are tired. This will help to quickly even out breathing and provide the body with the necessary portion of oxygen at a difficult moment.