Exercises for the press are perhaps the most popular in the world, because their regular implementation guarantees good results. Unfortunately, a sore back seriously reduces the amount of exercise available to you.

Lightweight ab exercises if there are no back injuries
If your back hurts, but the diagnosis of serious problems and diseases has not revealed, your option is to do your usual abdominal exercises with a smaller amplitude. For example, a typical exercise (lifting the body from a prone position) should be done without lifting the lower back off the floor. That is, do the usual number of repetitions, but tear off only the shoulder blades from the floor. If you do not strain your neck muscles during exercise, the risk to your back is minimal. The same applies to exercises with raising the legs from a supine position - do not raise your legs high, indicate the movement, and that's all, at the same time, do not tear your lower back from the horizontal surface. [box # 2
What to do if your back hurts
If you have problems with the spine, nerves, cold muscles, body changes after childbirth - your option is Pilates. This program was developed for the rehabilitation of the military after injuries, it consists almost of static postures. It is almost impossible to rip off or injure your back while doing Pilates. There are a ton of static abdominal exercises in Pilates that are considered extremely effective.
When practicing Pilates two to three times a week for an hour, the results will appear within a month. Moreover, you will not only strengthen your abdominal muscles, but most likely, you will improve the condition of your back, legs and arms.
Sign up for a good Pilates studio, where they will explain the principles of doing the exercises. Try to be like different types of activities - with a bodyball (a ball with a diameter of fifty to sixty centimeters) or a special tape. As a rule, in large fitness clubs there are entire classes devoted to working on the abs.
If you are uncomfortable practicing in the gym with other people, you can order two or three personal sessions to understand how to move correctly, what to look for when doing exercises, and get personal recommendations. Then you can buy a disc with a set of exercises, bodyball and do it at home.
If you have a lot of weight and a sore back, so as not to injure her even more, sign up for water aerobics. Water will support you, relieve stress on the spine and knees, and abdominal exercises within this load are enough to achieve good results for several months.