How To Lose Weight By Jumping Rope

How To Lose Weight By Jumping Rope
How To Lose Weight By Jumping Rope

Almost every second girl dreams of a slender figure, therefore, in pursuit of harmony, the most various actions are used, and not always useful for the body. There is a simple but effective way to lose weight, but for some reason many have forgotten about it. A simple jump rope can make your figure fit and beautiful.

How to lose weight by jumping rope
How to lose weight by jumping rope

Jumping rope in modern society has acquired a very interesting name - skipping. This method of losing weight is very effective, however, in order to achieve a slim figure, you also need to establish a healthy diet. If you don't have any problems with this, then you can safely take a step towards your dream.

What is the secret of losing weight with a jump rope

There is no secret as such, everything lies only in human physiology.

  • Jumping rope engages the muscles in your legs, abdomen and buttocks, which ultimately makes them fit and firm. That is why regular skipping exercises help to correct the figure - to make it slim and beautiful.
  • Jumping rope can be safely called a kind of cardio workout, if, of course, they took place at a fairly fast pace. In this case, skipping will burn a lot more calories than swimming or cycling.
  • There is a rhythm in skipping, thanks to which the breathing apparatus is strengthened.
  • Actively jumping rope, you act on cellulite, so over time, not a trace remains of it.

Exercises for weight loss on a skipping rope

In order for jumping rope to be more effective, it is necessary to perform a number of exercises:

  1. Jumping forward and backward.
  2. Jump first on one, then on the other leg.
  3. Alternate execution of single and double jumps.
  4. Performing jumping rope from side to side.
  5. Jumping in the form of running in place.
  6. Jump in such a position when one of the legs is in front of the other.

Which rope to choose

First of all, when choosing a rope, you should pay attention not only to its quality, but also to your height. As for the length, it is quite easy to find it. To do this, fold the sports equipment in half and pull it out in front of you. If the rope barely reaches the floor, then this means only one thing - it suits you.

When choosing a rope, also decide on the purpose for which you need it. There are 4 types of skipping ropes:

  • with a calorie counter, that is, electronic;
  • children's;
  • weighted;
  • high-speed.

How to lose weight by jumping rope

Skipping can be safely called an extraordinary sport that can not only help you lose weight, but also strengthen your posture, as well as develop flexibility and a sense of balance. For 30 minutes of jumping rope, a person can burn up to 300 calories, which, you see, is a very good result.

If you've never jumped rope before, then don't overdo it. At first, it is enough to jump rope from 5 to 10 minutes, then gradually increase the time. The pace, like the jumping time, must be added smoothly. As for the exercises, first of all you need to start with the simplest. Once you master the easy exercises, you can diversify the skipping with more complex elements.

It is very important to follow a few simple recommendations when performing jumping rope:

  1. When jumping, you cannot slouch, your back should remain straight and even during the entire session.
  2. Land correctly. If you do not do this, then your joints will soon make themselves felt.
  3. The movement of the rope should not be performed at the expense of the entire arm, but only due to the circular rotations of the hand. In other words, do not forget to press your hands to your body.

Contraindications to skipping

Jumping rope seems to be a completely harmless activity, but not everyone can afford to skip. For example, skipping is beyond the power of quite overweight people to master. Also, this sport is contraindicated for those who have problems with joints, knee caps and cartilage. It is highly discouraged to jump rope even for those who have high blood pressure, that is, for hypertensive patients.

As you can see, losing weight with a rope is quite simple. The main thing is to make every effort to this. You will be surprised at how quickly the first positive skipping result appears.
