Many of the fair sex want to lose weight. This is not so easy to do. It can be difficult to limit yourself to sweet, starchy foods, salty foods. The most common cause is our psychology. Any prohibition generates a desire to violate it. There are several exercises that can help reduce your appetite.

All you need is desire, the right attitude and a good mood
Step 1
An exercise that can be done in any position. Even while walking. We take a deep breath and draw in the stomach. When you exhale, inflate your stomach. In one approach, it is necessary to do such an exercise at least 40 times.
Step 2
Stand in front of an open window. Raise your arms up and your feet shoulder-width apart. In this position, we take deep breaths and exhalations. In one approach, you must do this exercise at least 10 times.
Step 3
Standing, hands on the belt. Raise one of the hands up and bend to the side, twist the waist - exhale. Returned to the starting position - inhale. Repeated several times in both directions.