There are a huge number of different exercise machines and other sports equipment with which it becomes possible to keep your body in great shape. Among other specialized equipment, the barbell cannot be ignored.

A barbell is a projectile that appeared a long time ago. Even in ancient Greece, athletes prepared for competitions using galteres - rigidly interconnected nuclei made of stone or metal. Now the bar is more mobile and consists of a neck and completely removable discs of varying weight.
Barbell training will be most beneficial for those who are professional or amateur powerlifting, weightlifting or bodybuilding. In addition, such a sports equipment is the best friend for a person who wants to significantly increase the endurance of his body and at the same time achieve a diversified development of muscles. This, by the way, is the main difference between the barbell and any complex simulators, which, as a rule, load certain muscle groups.
Disadvantages of training with a barbell
The disadvantages of training with a barbell include the following:
Due to the large dimensions and the need for additional equipment (stand, bench, discs of various weights), the possibility of training at home is practically excluded.
It is necessary to correctly select the weight of the bar and specific exercises in order to exclude the possibility of injury.
When starting to exercise with a barbell, consult with specialists. The trainer will tell you what exercises will be most effective, and the doctor will explain what kind of loads you should refrain from due to the characteristics of the body.
What are the benefits of barbells for men?
If your goal is to develop your strength and endurance, this is pretty simple. A set of rules has been developed that should be followed in the training process. For example, work with a "critical" weight, etc. Classes should be carried out regularly, periodically slightly increasing the weight of the discs and the number of approaches. Only with the help of a barbell, perhaps, you can achieve the best results in a relatively short period of time.
If you are more attracted by the idea of obtaining a beautiful body relief and increasing muscle volume, then the bar will cope with this task. A variety of different techniques and workouts with low loads but high repetitions will help bodybuilders achieve the results they want.
What are the benefits of barbells for women?
You can not neglect exercises with a barbell and the beautiful half of humanity. If you dream of slim and athletic legs and a toned buttocks, there is no better exercise than barbell squats. Do not be afraid of this kind of strength training. The main thing is to practice with pleasure and not make the barbell too heavy. In this case, the exercise will only benefit the body.
Before starting the exercise, study the rules for its implementation in detail.
In addition, in addition to the muscles on the legs, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are actively involved in the process of training with the barbell.
If you have not done a barbell before, but are now inspired and are already going to the gym, do not forget to talk on the spot with an instructor who will help you master the new apparatus.