Protein is essential for cell growth, maintenance and repair, and the production of enzymes and hormones. Protein is the main component of muscle structure, so it is required in sufficient quantities for the repair and development of muscle tissue.

Step 1
Take protein after sleep if you want to gain muscle mass. Sleep usually lasts 7-8 hours a day. Since the body does not receive food during this time, it begins to consume stored energy sources - glycogen from muscles and liver, as well as amino acids at the cost of muscle destruction. In addition, in the morning, the production of the hormone cortisol increases, because of this, the process of catabolism of muscle tissues begins. To prevent it, you should take a serving of fast protein. In this case, the best option would be whey protein or protein hydrolyzate.
Step 2
Eat more often and consume 2-4 servings of 20 grams of protein between meals. If circumstances are such that you cannot eat during the day, take a serving of the complex protein.
Step 3
Consume protein after exercise as this is when your body absorbs nutrients better. In order to quickly replenish carbohydrate reserves and raise the level of amino acids in the blood, a gainer should be taken after exercise. Athletes following a fat burning program should skip carbohydrates and take whey protein concentrate or isolate. You can take food in 1-1, 5 hours after taking protein.
Step 4
Do not overuse protein, do not exceed the recommended dose, otherwise health problems may arise. One dose should not exceed 30 g, the protein should be dissolved in water, juice or milk. Milk contains substances that promote better protein absorption.
Step 5
Keep in mind that the best option is to get 50% of your protein from regular food and 50% from diet for athletes.
Step 6
Take protein half an hour before bed. This will prevent muscle catabolism at night and keep the amino acid levels in the blood stable during sleep. Optimal for taking before bed will be a mixture that includes proteins with different absorption rates.