Many athletes, especially beginners, can neglect the rules of taking sports nutrition, which can be fraught with consequences for their physical condition. In order to avoid this, you should follow the rules and plan for taking a particular supplement.

Step 1
Gainer. Take it in a shaker with water, juice or skim milk, it's a matter of taste. The intake plan is as follows: with breakfast - to increase the calorie level of your diet; 1-2 hours before training - to create a supply of amino acids and carbohydrates before an intense load on the body; immediately after training - in order to provide the body with a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, which are one of the main factors of muscle growth; during the day - in order to increase the number of meals with inadequate and irregular nutrition, as well as to replace "harmful" interceptions.
Step 2
Protein. Take it based on the average human need - 2-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. Dilute the protein, as well as the gainer, in water, juice or low-fat milk. The intake plan is as follows: in the morning, the best option would be to consume whey protein with its fast absorption property; Because of this, take whey isolate also before and after workouts. Protein, especially if your diet is irregular; Take casein before bed to keep your amino acid levels high throughout the night.
Step 3
Amino acids. The admission plan is as follows: in the morning - to compensate for the protein deficiency; during the day - to reduce catabolism; before and after training - to build up and compensate for the energy deficit expended during training, take amino acids no later than half an hour after training.
Step 4
Creatine. Take creatine based on the average need - 4-6 g of creatine per day. The admission plan is as follows: at the very beginning of the intake, take 10 g of creatine twice a day for a week, and after that - 3 g 2 times a day or 5-6 grams 1 time a day. Withstand the course of admission from 4 to 6 weeks, and then pause for 2-4 weeks. Take creatine on an empty stomach and immediately after waking up.