For those who are trying to maintain their figure, it is very important to eat right. Quite often, extra pounds appear due to a plentiful dinner, so the problem of how not to eat after 18 hours does not lose its relevance. You should not assume that this is too easy to achieve, but if you set a goal for yourself, then it is quite possible to achieve it.

Step 1
When deciding not to eat in the evening, try to organize your meals so that lunch is satisfying enough. If you limit yourself to food during the day, then it will be very difficult to refuse dinner.
Step 2
It is advisable to introduce such a meal as an afternoon snack, or take dinner with you to work. Since most working people end their working day at 18 o'clock, they will have to have supper without interrupting production, or else abandon it altogether.
Step 3
If the feeling of hunger is too painful in the evening, eat something light instead of dinner. These can be vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese or some cheese. Such foods will not bring extra calories, but will help curb your appetite.
Step 4
You can try to stop eating in several stages, making your meals lighter at first, gradually moving the dinner time to earlier. An omelet, boiled chicken, vegetable salad are suitable as such a dinner.
Step 5
In order not to distract from hunger, find yourself an interesting activity. This can be a visit to the gym, chatting with friends, or another hobby that allows you to forget about food and not have dinner.
Step 6
Avoid overly spicy, salty and spicy foods. They, like alcohol, stimulate the appetite and it will be more difficult not to eat in the evening after such a dinner.
Step 7
Be prepared for the fact that it will only be especially difficult for the first two weeks. Then the body will get used to it and will not eat after 6 hours much easier.
Step 8
At first, in order to avoid breakdowns, try not to store sweets and sweets in the house. For many, it is much easier to give up a bowl of soup or unleavened side dish than a delicious dessert.