Tai chi is a Chinese health-improving gymnastics that becomes more and more popular every year. Despite the fact that it is based on fighting technique, tai chi is aimed at training calmness, relaxation and flexibility. It helps to establish contact with the body, manage your energy, improve mental and physical health.

History of Tai Chi Chuan
Tai chi chuan is the full name of this art. The technique originated in China many centuries ago. Initially, this was the name of a form of martial art that used the inner resources of a person. According to legend, its founder was a Taoist monk who watched the fight between a crane and a snake. From here came the smooth and at the same time precise movements characteristic of tai chi.
Until the 20th century, the art of tai chi was passed down exclusively within the family.
Tai chi - the path of harmony
Today, tai chi technique has changed somewhat and began to resemble a harmonious combination of martial arts and gymnastics. Her goal is to achieve harmony in everything: movement, expression of feelings, communication and, of course, physical health. Tai chi teaches, first of all, to achieve balance. First - in the physical plane, when the student learns to coordinate all his movements and at the same time breathe correctly. And then - in the soul, because physical balance helps to achieve inner harmony.
It is not for nothing that traditional yin and yang are symbols of tai chi.
Tai Chi gymnastics is based on gentleness, which the Chinese claim is capable of generating brute strength when needed. Muscle strength is achieved through proper load distribution, relaxation and stress relief.
The benefits of tai chi
Tai chi helps to tidy up the nervous system, so it is recommended for those who suffer from depression or are under stress. Special exercises make the body more flexible and strong, strengthen joints, and help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. The technique has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure and effectively strengthens the immune system. In addition, tai chi helps to significantly shorten the rehabilitation period after various injuries and illnesses.
There are practically no contraindications for practicing tai chi, since this Chinese gymnastics allows you to avoid overvoltage. Despite the seeming ease of the movements characteristic of tai chi, it makes all the muscles work, correctly distributing the load on them. That is why the body after exercise becomes more toned and strong. And smooth dance movements help to lose up to 300 kcal in one lesson. And at the same time, tai chi should not be confused with fitness, because Chinese gymnastics is aimed at healing and harmony, and not at losing weight.