What Is The Difference Between The Preparatory Group For Physical Education And The Main

What Is The Difference Between The Preparatory Group For Physical Education And The Main
What Is The Difference Between The Preparatory Group For Physical Education And The Main

Physical education lessons at school are important for the correct formation of the child and for his health. However, not all children can handle the average loads designed for physical education. Some for health reasons are forced to attend simplified physical training lessons.

What is the difference between the preparatory group for physical education and the main
What is the difference between the preparatory group for physical education and the main

The main group for physical education

This is a group designed for children nat. preparation if they do not have any deviations in health, and who, at the same time, have a sufficient degree of physical fitness. In physical education lessons, the guys from the main group are engaged in the main types of activities provided for by the curriculum. The individual exercises are controlled by marks and competitions. Pupils attending the main group of physical education, without medical advice, are accepted into various sports sections organized at the school, and attend additional classes for training before all kinds of competitions.

Preparatory group for physical education

This group provides for the limitation of physical activity. It is intended for training children with congenital or acquired health problems. The doctor decides in which group - basic or preparatory, each specific student should be engaged. If it is necessary to limit the load, he writes a certificate indicating the child's illness and recommendations for classes in physical education lessons at school.

Pupils attending the core physical education group are encouraged to participate in sports sections and attend sports schools.

In the preparatory group, children are also engaged with an insufficient level of physical. preparation. After acquiring basic skills, they are transferred to the main group of physical education. In the preparatory group, as well as in the main group, control and delivery of the stipulated standards take place. However, some concessions are allowed for the guys. Schools organize sections for additional classes for students from the preparatory group. This is done to increase their physical. preparation and gradual training of the body. Children with serious health problems visit special groups on the recommendation of a doctor.

Health groups

Healthcare workers identify five main health groups. The first group of health includes people who do not have any chronic diseases and rarely get colds.

The second group of health includes, in principle, healthy people who also do not have chronic diseases. But at the same time they are not physically developed enough.

Children attending the preparatory group of physical education do not participate in sports competitions.

People suffering from chronic diseases, which do not cause anxiety, belong to the third group of health.

The fourth and fifth groups include people with chronic diseases. They have low performance and physical activity and undergo special treatment.

Children assigned to the first health group are assigned to the main group for physical education, and children with the second health group are assigned to the preparatory group.
