Why Children Need To Play Sports

Why Children Need To Play Sports
Why Children Need To Play Sports

Nowadays, many factors pose a danger to the health of children. Every year, new types of viruses and bacteria appear, provoking a variety of diseases that no one has ever heard of. Serious pressure is exerted on the child's psyche at school. Plus, bad ecology also does its dirty work. We cannot change some problems, but the health of our children is in our hands.

Why children need to play sports
Why children need to play sports

Why is sport important for children?

Strengthens the immune system. During physical education, harmful substances are removed from the body, breathing becomes more frequent, cells are saturated with oxygen, and the blood circulation rate also increases, which allows immune cells to respond more quickly to pathogens.

Cheers up. With physical activity, the body produces a hormone - endorphin. It is also called the hormone of happiness. It allows you to overcome negative emotions, gives a feeling of lightness and clarity of thought.

Brings up the necessary character traits. Sport helps children develop sense of purpose, responsibility, self-control and will - qualities that are important at any age.

What should be considered?

Parents need to be serious about choosing a sport for their child. First of all, it is necessary to take into account his physical data: whether this sport will benefit or harm the child.

It is useful to take into account the chronic diseases that the future athlete may have. For example, if he has myopia, then tennis is unlikely to suit him, and athletics can lead to disastrous consequences if there are heart problems.

Also, it is important to take into account the desire and character of the child, his abilities. Will he harmonize well with the team or will it be easier for him when he is alone.


What are the options? Where to send the children and at what age?

For children from 8-11 years old, those sections are suitable that will develop speed, reaction and coordination. From 11-13 years old - strength and endurance. And the smallest children, from 3-5 years old, can be taught to do things that contribute to the general development of the body. For example, this includes swimming, gymnastics and athletics. It should be remembered that professional sports do not always have a positive effect on health, and often only harm.

What conclusion can be drawn?

Our children need sports. Moderate and regular exercise improves health, improves thinking, and develops good qualities. But for a child to fall in love with sports, parents themselves need to set a good example in this.
