The opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London will take place on 27 July. You do not need to buy a ticket to the UK to watch this event. It is enough to turn on the TV at the right time.

Step 1
In the Russian Federation, a live broadcast of the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony will be shown on Channel One, and possibly also on Russia-1, Russia-2 and Russia-24 channels. In addition, subscribers of cable and satellite TV providers will be able to watch it on the Eurosport (not to be confused with Eurosport-2) and NTV + Sport channels. If you are using a community antenna, check if the Eurosport channel is being broadcast in your home in analog form by using the search function on your TV.
Step 2
Since the broadcast will be live, it will start simultaneously on all channels participating in its broadcast. This will happen on July 27, 2012 at 21:00 GMT. But preparation for the opening will begin earlier - at 20 hours and 12 minutes. In Moscow at this time it will be, respectively, 1:00 am and 12:00 am. Preparation for opening may not be shown everywhere, so try to find it on all channels available to you.
Step 3
If you can't turn on your televisions at night and don't have a VCR or DVD recorder, watch the opening ceremony on July 28th. The reruns schedule will be announced about a week in advance on TV channel websites, as well as in TV programs published in newspapers.
Step 4
You can find out how much time is left before the opening ceremony (accurate to the minute) on the official website of the 2012 Olympics. To do this, follow the link provided at the end of the article. At the top of the page, you will see a virtual countdown clock. They may not work or work incorrectly (for example, display zeros) if JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Their compatibility with all browsers is also not guaranteed. When viewed from a phone with a UC browser or similar, you can see this clock by clicking on the "Full stie" link, while their readings will be updated only when the page is manually refreshed. These hours are present not only on the home page, but also on other pages of the site.