Water Aerobics: Training Features And Efficiency

Water Aerobics: Training Features And Efficiency
Water Aerobics: Training Features And Efficiency

Aqua aerobics is one of the many areas of fitness that involves performing dynamic exercises in the water. Water aerobics classes take place in the pool and can include aerobic exercise, apparatus exercises and, of course, gymnastics.

Water aerobics: training features and efficiency
Water aerobics: training features and efficiency

Water aerobics classes are very popular today. But how effective can water fitness be? Is it possible to do water aerobics on your own or do you need the help of an instructor?

Indications and contraindications

Water aerobics is very useful for patients with cardiovascular diseases, the elderly, as well as those who dream of losing weight.

By the way, it is for weight loss that water aerobics is very effective. Literally a month of regular training with an instructor, combined with proper nutrition, can help you lose from 2 to 8 kg.

There are practically no contraindications regarding aqua aerobics, with the exception of acute respiratory diseases and genital herpes.

Training features

Water aerobics can replace grueling workouts in the gym, while not inferior to them in terms of effectiveness. While in the water, the body is more relaxed and much lighter. To perform certain exercises in water, the body needs to expend much more effort and energy. The thing is that the density of water is much higher than the density of air.

In addition, many people perceive water aerobics as some kind of entertainment. After classes, mood and sleep improve. That is why this type of fitness is especially recommended for women in position as a gentle option for physical activity.

Water aerobics classes can be aimed at a whole group of muscles: chest and arms, shoulder joints, even the press. And to increase the load and more active muscle work, additional devices can be used, such as an aquapelt, gloves, dumbbells, and special shoes.

How to do water aerobics most effectively

Being engaged in water aerobics, train yourself to proper and timely nutrition. It is not recommended to exercise with a full stomach, it is best to eat two hours before the start of training. The fact is that during exercise, strong pressure is exerted on the abdominal cavity, and even the simplest exercises after eating are difficult. The same goes for post-workout nutrition.

The second rule of effective practice is correct breathing. Follow the instructor's instructions carefully, breathe calmly and to the beat. The peculiarity of aqua aerobics is that during exercise the body consumes much more oxygen than when performing any other strength exercise outside the water. Accordingly, without proper breathing, training will be less effective.

Devote at least half an hour to water aerobics, and also try to repeat each exercise at least 15-20 times, then you will certainly get the desired effect.
