Features Of Choosing A Hockey Stick

Features Of Choosing A Hockey Stick
Features Of Choosing A Hockey Stick

The main tool of any hockey player is the hockey stick. In order for the game to bring you satisfaction from every puck thrown into the goal and pride in your personal achievements, you need to choose a club wisely. To do this, you need to take into account some characteristics.

Features of the choice of a hockey stick
Features of the choice of a hockey stick

Player age

The clubs are divided into the following groups:

- children - 4-7 years old;

- teenagers - 7-14 years old;

- youth - 14-17 years old;

- adults - from 17 years old.


Player grip

It is under the right hand and left hand. With left and right grip, the hand of the same name will be in the lower position of the handle of your club. If you are going to play for the first time, and have not yet learned your grip, then the easiest way to find out is to wash the floors in the house: which grip you use when holding the mop, the same will be convenient when playing with a club.


According to the materials, the clubs are divided into wooden and composite (composite), and according to the construction - into solid and prefabricated (two-piece).

Wooden or composite? Wooden clubs are cheaper and less durable. In addition, they have a greater mass than composite ones, which leads to rapid fatigue of the muscles of the arms and a decrease in their mobility, which is very unpleasant during the game. You should not skimp and immediately purchase a compound club.

Team or one-piece? One-piece is a familiar to everyone, one-piece hockey stick - if you damage it, you will have to spend money on a new one. The assembled stick consists of two parts - a feather and a handle, in case of breakage of which, only the damaged part will need to be replaced. Also, the buildable hockey stick allows the novice player to choose the most suitable feather for themselves. But, as always, there are some drawbacks: in comparison with solid composite clubs, the team has less high playing qualities.

Player weight

The choice of stick stiffness depends on this criterion: the optimal stiffness on the Easton scale (the coefficient is indicated in numerical terms from 40 to 120) is approximately equal to the player's weight in kilograms.


The hardness of the clubs, according to the Easton scale, can be divided into types:

- soft (approximately 65-75);

- simple (75-85);

- solid (85-100);

- extra hard (100-110);

- extra-extra hard (110-120).

The higher the "power" and mass of the player, the more rigid the stick he needs.

Considering all of the above criteria, you will be able to choose an ideal “fighting friend” for yourself, who, if you have talent and perseverance, will help you reach heights in this sport.
