What Is The Secret Of Harmony

What Is The Secret Of Harmony
What Is The Secret Of Harmony

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Full-bodied girls are sure that harmony is a gift from above, and fat women should not dream of it. It should be remembered that a figure is a hard everyday work and it is possible to achieve the desired forms only with systematic striving and the absence of laziness. In addition, you need to know the secrets of slimness, without which maintaining weight will not be so effective.

What is the secret of harmony
What is the secret of harmony

To stay slim at all times, you need to change your lifestyle. Only regular work on yourself, a well-thought-out diet and complex procedures will allow you to keep your figure in adulthood.


In order to stay lean, you need to distinguish between hunger and thirst. It's quite simple to check this - instead of another snack, you should drink a glass of water. If hunger persists after 15 minutes, then you can eat a light snack.

Nutritionists are sure - the secrets of harmony in fractional reusable meals. You should schedule 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks, distributing meals every 3-4 hours. One serving should be no more than 200 g.

Many women think that they need to completely abandon sweet and starchy foods. It is not right. First, this approach is fraught with grandiose disruptions. Secondly, sweet food is nutrition for the brain, its absence can negatively affect well-being. To stay slim at all times, you just need to eat your favorite chocolate or cake before noon.

To maintain slimness, it is recommended to consume as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, without additional additives such as sour cream, mayonnaise and olive oil. You also need to give up going to fast food cafes, avoid hunger strikes and mindless food intake. You should never eat in front of a TV, a book, or a computer.


It is physical activity that will help not only maintain slimness, but also maintain weight at the same level. There is nothing worse for the skin than alternating weight gain and weight loss.

In order to always be in good shape, you need discipline. Visiting the fitness club should be regular and systematic. Therefore, it is better to hire a personal trainer so that he correctly distributes the load.

Those who do not have the opportunity to visit the gym should adopt such complexes as yoga, body flex, Pilates, callanetics, and exercise at home. The only thing to remember is that even home workouts should be intense and regular.

Additional procedures

There is not always time for full-fledged sports and proper nutrition. But even a very busy woman can carve out a minute for mini beauty sessions.

For example, in the morning it is very useful to take a contrast shower. It not only makes you wake up, but also energizes.

In the evening, you can have a self-massage session, applying warming oil or honey to problem areas. Movements should be smooth, in order to avoid damage to blood vessels.
