A toned body, a thin waist, a flat stomach are every girl's dream. The sides and belly protruding from jeans do not paint even attractive women in general. Men, too, are not lagging behind in their desire to look slim, wanting to get rid of the beer belly as soon as possible. Experts assure that local fat burning is a difficult, almost impossible process. And if you have already lost good weight, but the stomach has remained in place, it is worth taking comprehensive measures to acquire the desired forms.

First of all, visit a competent endocrinologist. Hormonal imbalance is one of the main reasons that prevent you from losing weight. Thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, regulate all metabolic processes in the body. In a healthy person, they are responsible for the rapid conversion of incoming food into energy. If the level of thyroxine is low, the body cannot cope and accumulates energy in the form of fatty deposits. Increased prolactin, an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, causes puffiness and weight gain. Check your blood sugar and risk of diabetes. If hormonal imbalances are found, you will be prescribed medications to help you lose weight and get rid of belly fat. Do not self-medicate. You can cause irreparable harm to your health and get the opposite of the desired result.
If hormones are normal, change your diet. Without a diet, getting rid of the hated folds on the abdomen will not work. Completely eliminate sugar, confectionery, chocolate, flour and bread from the diet. Do not eat fatty or fried foods. Include in the diet fresh vegetables rich in fiber and other dietary fiber, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, poultry, fish. Eat small meals five times a day. Following these simple rules will help reduce calorie intake, stimulate metabolism and quickly get rid of your belly.
It is a mistake to believe that rocking the abs will give you a flat stomach. Better to do any aerobic exercise. Running or dancing is great. Bodyflex has proven itself well in local fat burning in the abdominal area. The slimming effect is based on proper breathing during exercise. Buy a hula hoop and start twisting it 3 times a day for 15 minutes. After a month of regular training, you will notice the first results.
Try salon treatments and hardware cosmetology to combat belly and flank fat. Cavitation, ultrasonic liposuction, promises to shed those extra inches in record time. The operation of the device is based on the splitting of fatty deposits under the influence of ultrasonic waves, and their further removal from the body by the lymphatic system. Mesotherapy has proven itself well in the fight against local obesity. Special fat-burning cocktails are injected under the skin in a course of 7-10 procedures.
Use home care to tone your belly skin. Most of the domestic and foreign body care brands offer belly and body modeling creams. They usually have a warming or cooling effect. Do a course of wraps at home. These treatments will tighten the skin and remove excess fluid from the abdominal area.
If you need to quickly get rid of the abdomen, too lazy to diet and exercise, you cannot do without the help of plastic surgery. An experienced surgeon will perform abdominal liposuction and, using special cannulas, pump out excess fat. True, there are a number of health contraindications for this procedure, and it is quite expensive. And do not expect that the day after surgery, you will be proudly flaunting on the beach in a swimsuit. Within a month, you will need to wear a special compression jersey, wait until the bruises and swelling disappear.