Slouching or asymmetrical shoulders can cancel out all the advantages of appearance. It is necessary to take care of good posture from the very childhood. With a range of medical procedures, exercises and special devices, you can straighten your shoulders and get rid of back pain.

- - orthopedic corset;
- - orthopedic mattress;
- - neck support pillow
Step 1
See a surgeon. Solving neglected shoulder problems on your own can be dangerous. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will help diagnose a possible disease and prescribe treatment. Incorrect position of the shoulders and spine, physical activity, genetic predisposition, trauma - all this can lead to various forms of scoliosis. In this case, you will need a comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
Step 2
Take a massage therapy course. It should consist of at least 10 procedures and should be directed not only to the shoulders, but also to the entire back. The massage is performed by a specialist, while medications can be used. You can repeat a similar course 2-3 times a year.
Step 3
Sign up for physical therapy. A specialist should choose a set of exercises for you, which you can change every 3-4 months. Remember that fitness should now become your lifestyle. In addition to physiotherapy exercises, pay attention to yoga. Most of the asanas are aimed at improving the flexibility of the spine and strengthening the muscles of the back. These exercises are so effective that it is enough to perform at least one of them every day, for example, "cow pose", in order to always have a beautiful posture. Swim in the pool 1-2 times a week.
Step 4
Purchase a special orthopedic corset (or bandage) to straighten your back. It will relieve the load on the muscles, help to straighten the shoulders, and prevent the displacement of the vertebrae. Such a device can be purchased only after consultation with an orthopedist and worn no more than 5 hours a day.
Step 5
Monitor your sleeping position. Give preference to a firm orthopedic mattress with good filling. Choose a pillow in such a way that the neck is supported by a special roller, and the head is not pressed to the chest and is not thrown back. Sleep on your back.