The Health Benefits Of Walking

The Health Benefits Of Walking
The Health Benefits Of Walking

Walking is the perfect way to improve your fitness and health. This type of physical activity is absolutely safe and practically has no contraindications, while there is no need to purchase special equipment or make great efforts. Walking is one of the most affordable forms of physical activity.

Walking for health
Walking for health

Thanks to walking, the general condition of the body and the work of its individual systems are improved:

  • immunity increases;
  • bone tissue becomes stronger, and muscles are stronger and more elastic;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the risk of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system is reduced;
  • fat deposits are burned;
  • improves appetite;
  • body tone increases;
  • posture is corrected, some problems with the spine go away.

Recommendations for daily walking

Even the habit of everyday walking requires the right approach. Correct walking technique makes these types of loads more effective:

  1. To minimize the use of the elevator, it is better to descend and ascend by steps.
  2. Use additional load. Ordinary bags or bags can act as weights, but the weight should be evenly distributed over both hands. A comfortable backpack is perfect for these purposes.
  3. Choose the right place for walking. The best solution would be a forest belt, an alley in the park, away from highways and roads.
  4. Take care of good ergonomic footwear and comfortable clothing.
  5. You should use less transport services. You should not give up all means of transportation, you can just leave earlier one or two stops.

Correct walking technique

  1. The most preferable and effective is brisk walking, and in order to obtain maximum results per day, you need to devote at least half an hour to it. At the very beginning, brisk walking can last for about 10 minutes.
  2. As for the speed, the pace is considered sufficient, during which the breathing is slightly out of order. The ideal pace is the speed during which a person can talk without shortness of breath, unnecessary effort and stammering.
  3. Musical rhythmic accompaniment is welcome, and at the same time it is better to refuse to talk on the phone - this will interfere with proper breathing, and, as a result, the strength will run out faster.
  4. When walking briskly, keep track of your stride length. Many make a gross mistake by taking a step wider to speed up. Such actions can lead to various injuries and health problems. A normal gait at a faster pace will be much more effective, so it is the muscles that will be loaded, and not the joints and bones.

How much to walk?

Scientists have proven that you need to walk an average of 8 km per day. Use a pedometer to track the distance traveled. You can purchase a special device or install an application on your phone. The second option is more preferable, since most applications, in addition to the distance traveled, calculate the number of calories burned. Calculations like these can act as incentives. They can be compared to the number of calories eaten.

The mentioned figure of 8 km is the total distance covered per day. Slightly less than half or even half of the person passes while performing everyday tasks. It all depends on the pace and way of life. The most active and mobile people go through the norm almost completely in a day without any special walks or training.
