How To Exercise On The Health Disk

How To Exercise On The Health Disk
How To Exercise On The Health Disk

The Health Disc is a compact trainer that can be used to train at home, in the office, in the yard, in the park, and even on a trip. Exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the waist, hips, abdomen, help in the fight against excess weight. People of any size and age can work on the health disc. You just have to follow certain rules.

How to Exercise on the Health Disk
How to Exercise on the Health Disk

How to exercise on the health disc correctly

It would seem that a simple exercise machine is a health disk, which is very easy to use, you just need to stand on it and spin. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. There are certain rules and only if they are observed, you can achieve positive results from training and avoid injuries and other negative consequences.

First, the disc must be placed on a flat, non-slip surface. Then, even with intensive movements, it will not budge and will not create dangerous situations in which it is easy to fall and get injured.

Secondly, when exercising on the health disc, too sharp movements of the head should not be allowed to avoid dizziness. This is especially true for the elderly, in most of whom the vestibular apparatus undergoes certain age-related changes and can no longer function as before.

Thirdly, before using the disc for its intended purpose, it is reasonable to place nearby objects on which, if necessary, one could lean on (or put the disc in close proximity to them). This can be a chair, table, etc.

Fourthly, you should correctly determine the load for yourself. Fitness trainers recommend that children under 12 years old make no more than 4-5 revolutions (rotations) in one approach, teenagers under 15 years old - no more than 6-7, young people and girls under 18 years old - 8-9 revolutions and adults - from 10 up to 14 turns. However, these are nothing more than recommendations, each person who decides to practice on the disk must determine the load on their own, taking into account the state of their health, the presence of diseases and morale.

It is useful to drink a glass of clean water before exercising on the health disc. Then, in addition to the benefits of physical activity, there is an excellent cleansing of the internal organs and the subsequent effective removal of toxins from the body.

A set of exercises on the health disc

Exercise 1. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the forearms and abs. Stand on the health disc with both feet. Spread your arms bent at the elbows to the sides so that the elbows are at shoulder level. Make turns with your hips to the right / left, keeping your arms in the starting position.

Exercise 2. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs and abs. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it. Spread your arms bent at the elbows to the sides so that the elbows are at shoulder level. Move your hips to the right / left, keeping your hands in the starting position.

Exercise 3. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest and torso. Take the health disc in your hands and pull them forward to chest level, slightly bent at the elbows. Press firmly on both sides of the disc at the same time, and then rotate it with your hands in opposite directions.

Exercise 4. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and torso. To complete this you need 2 health discs. Place one foot on one disc and the other on the other. Make rotational movements with your feet, first with the feet inward (as if depicting a clubfoot), then outward.

Exercise 5. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest, arms and torso. Place 2 discs side by side. Get into a prone position as if you were about to do push-ups. Place your palms on the disc, press your body to the floor. Straighten your arms, while simultaneously making a rotational movement of the brushes outward (fingers look in different directions), again press down on the floor, at the same time making a rotational movement with the brushes inward (fingers look at each other).

Exercise 6. Aimed at strengthening the leg muscles and the press. Stand on both discs with your knees slightly bent. Make rotational movements so that the lower and upper parts of the body rush in opposite directions.

This complex, of course, does not exhaust all the possibilities of the health disc. Exercises can be diversified at your discretion, endlessly improve them and complicate them. In the first days, you should not give all your best in training completely and even beyond that, bringing yourself to exhaustion. Exhausting activities do not mean getting the maximum benefit.

The first workouts should not exceed 5-6 minutes a day, especially if you have not done physical exercise before and have not given the body a feasible load. Gradually increase your disc practice time to 30 minutes a day.

Remember, no matter how much you exercise, only if you regularly and qualitatively perform the exercises can you achieve positive (expected) results - normalize weight, tighten weakened muscles, improve body sculpting, etc. Just 30 minutes of good health disc workout will help you burn 250-300 calories and work out the main muscle groups.
