Stretching should be an integral part of any physical activity, from swimming to yoga. It helps the body work more efficiently and increases the blood supply to the muscles. There are basic rules for conducting classes that should not be neglected.

Step 1
In the morning, you do not need to jump out of bed and immediately do stretching exercises. First, the muscles need to be warmed up, for this, do a small light warm-up. Only then should you start stretching exercises.
Step 2
Many people make the mistake of trying to stretch all the muscles as quickly as possible. It is worth remembering that exercises must be done smoothly and slowly, otherwise there is a risk of injury. The muscles must gradually be saturated with oxygen, and this can only be achieved through slow movements.
Step 3
If you feel pain while doing the stretching exercise, you should reduce the load. Under no circumstances do the exercises by force. The body needs time to get used to the stress, so gradual and moderation will not hurt.
Step 4
During stretching, it is necessary to monitor the correct breathing. It cannot be delayed, this will reduce all efforts to zero. Also, breathing should not be intermittent and uneven, so you can harm the muscles and get sore after training. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Step 5
Lack of constant training can negate all previous efforts, as flexibility quickly disappears. Ideally, stretching exercises should be done daily, several times a day, even when not exercising.
Step 6
You need to start stretching with those muscles that are most involved in training. Let's say that after stretching, you plan to exercise on a treadmill, so before that you should pay attention to stretching your leg muscles. Do not neglect stretching the rest of the muscle groups, especially the pectoral ones. This will have a beneficial effect on posture and gait in general.
Step 7
A beginner should do stretching exercises under the supervision of a specialist. Since there is a high risk of doing something wrong and getting injured, after which any activity will not be a joy. Only the trainer will tell you which muscle group you need to focus on, how to breathe correctly during the exercise and will insure you if necessary.