How To Fall Properly On Skiing, Skating And Snowboarding

How To Fall Properly On Skiing, Skating And Snowboarding
How To Fall Properly On Skiing, Skating And Snowboarding

Skiing and snowboarding from the mountain slopes, skating on the smooth surface of the ice rink - all this gives us a storm of positive emotions and … abrasions, fractures, bruises and sprains. But troubles can be avoided if you follow some simple rules of conduct while practicing winter sports.

How to fall properly on skiing, skating and snowboarding
How to fall properly on skiing, skating and snowboarding

Even professional skiers, snowboarders and skaters sometimes end up with injuries. What can we say about amateurs and beginners! And it will not be bad if the fun pastime ends with an ordinary injury or sprain. Very often, newcomers end up in a hospital bed with head injuries, fractures. Incorrectly selected equipment, obstacles on the track, collisions, or simply not tight enough laces on ski boots or skates can provoke a fall and injury.

Tips for skiers

Ski bindings must be adjusted by a professional - too tight will not unfasten when falling, and then there will be a high risk of breaking your leg or getting hit by a ski on the head or body. And if the bindings are weak, then the skis can simply fly off during the descent, which is also fraught with injuries.

It is imperative to wear a full protective kit - a helmet, knee pads, special pads on the thighs. But even if you are wearing a helmet, when you fall, you need to try to grab your head with your hands in order to prevent a strong impact on the surface of the slope.

When descending, you need to control the speed and not accelerate too much. Beginners are advised not to descend from high slopes.

You need to fall correctly. You need to try to throw ski poles as far as possible, press your hands tightly to the body, and not stretch them in front of you.

How to fall snowboarders

Snowboarders go down the slope sideways, and the main load falls, as a rule, on the leg in front. When falling, the first blow falls just on this leg and tailbone, back. When falling, the snowboarder must curl up into a ball, take the pose of an embryo.

Elementary care on the track will help to avoid falling from the miracle board. When turning, you need to look around - there is no risk of cutting another athlete.

You can only stop facing the slope to make sure that no one else is coming down. You need to climb up or rest on the side of the track, not in the middle.

The leading leg must be secured to the snowboard with a special cable that will not allow it to "run away" from the owner during the descent.

Skating tips

Beginner skaters should wear a protective kit before going out on the ice.

The boots must be laced correctly: the toes should be relatively "free", but the ankle and instep should be tied tightly with the lacing. An insufficiently tightened ankle joint imbalances even experienced skaters.

When moving, the legs at the knees should be bent, and the body should be tilted forward. This position of the body will help to avoid injuries to the head and spine in the event of a fall.

If you are to fall on skates, then fall on your side. In the event of a fall forward, you need to relax the body as much as possible and try to imitate the movements of the fish, substituting runners from the palms and forearms as support.
