How To Get Rid Of Breeches On The Hips

How To Get Rid Of Breeches On The Hips
How To Get Rid Of Breeches On The Hips

Unfortunately, the problem of extra centimeters on the hips is familiar to many women. The so-called "breeches" can appear not only among ladies with magnificent forms, but also some thin women. Is it possible to get rid of breeches on the hips and how to do it - our today's topic.

How to get rid of breeches on your hips
How to get rid of breeches on your hips

Proper nutrition

Once again, we recall that local weight loss is almost impossible. Therefore, if you want to get rid of body fat, which "breeches" are, then the transition to proper nutrition is inevitable. Avoid fatty fried foods and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You will also have to exclude buns, cakes and other "snacks" from the diet.

Do not forget that there should be a lot of liquid in the breeches diet. 2-2.5 liters of water is the minimum you need to consume.

Exercises for breeches


So, here are some examples of exercises that will help get rid of breeches and return your legs to harmony and attractiveness to your buttocks. First of all, we note that there are some sports that tighten all the muscles of the body - swimming, water aerobics, running, and so on.

The main exercises for fighting breeches are lunges and swings, which provide maximum load on the gluteal muscles. You can perform lunges forward or sideways, but remember that this type of exercise should be alternated with others, such as squats or abdominal exercises. The minimum number of lunges in one approach is fifteen, and the optimal number of approaches is three.

Squats are a great way to tone your glutes. These can be full squats or half squats. There is, however, another "special" exercise - put your hands on the belt, heels together and squat, spreading your knees in different directions. This exercise is used by ballerinas and, you see, the effect is obvious.

Swing exercises are very simple and accessible to everyone. You can perform swings while standing or lying down, but the main thing to remember when doing such exercises is regularity. The number of repetitions for each person is individual. Swing until you feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles.

Do not forget about massage - it will help you speed up the process of "breaking" fat deposits and significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercise and diet.
