How To Increase Strength Indicators

How To Increase Strength Indicators
How To Increase Strength Indicators

For any athlete, sooner or later there comes a time when the usual training ceases to bring the desired result. Strength and muscle mass stop growing. In this case, it is necessary to make certain adjustments to the training complex and diet.

How to increase strength indicators
How to increase strength indicators

First of all, at the beginning of stagnation in the results, it is necessary to understand whether the athlete has driven himself into a state of overtraining, the first signs of which are decreased appetite, insomnia and chronic fatigue. In this case, you just need to take a two-week break from training and allow the body to recover and recover. Then you can start exercising again, while reducing the load by 15-20%.

An increase in strength indicators can be achieved by focusing on basic exercises: deadlift, squats, bench press. Each of them should be performed no more than 1 time per week, and heavy squats or deadlifts are best done no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. Exercises should be done for 5-6 repetitions in 3 working approaches. It is important that the last approach is done before failure, i.e. for the maximum number of repetitions. Only in this case will the muscle growth mechanism be triggered.

If there is a desire to increase strength in one of the basic exercises, for example, in the bench press, then it makes sense to reduce the load in the deadlift and squat. So the body will be less tired and all reserves will be directed to the growth of the muscles involved in the bench press. After the desired bench press result is achieved, it will be possible to easily raise the indicators in other exercises to the previous level.

It is also necessary not to forget to make penetrations at a one-time maximum, at least once every 2-3 months. They are great at stimulating the growth of strength. Sometimes, after a successful penetration, you can add 2.5-5 kg to the working weight without reducing the number of repetitions.

Sometimes the reason for the slowdown in the growth of indicators is that the body becomes insufficiently consumed amount of proteins and calories. With the growth of indicators and strength, the need for them increases, which means that it is necessary to increase their consumption. It may be worth turning your attention to sports nutrition, such as protein or gainer.

In addition, the growth of strength indicators is facilitated by the intake of drugs such as creatine, caffeine, beta-alanine. Thanks to these additives, it is possible to increase power performance by 10-15% in a short time.
