Anatomical terms such as triceps and biceps are familiar to non-medical people: these are some of the most visible muscles in the human body, a lot of physical exercises are aimed at their growth, which make the arms stronger and more powerful. Triceps and biceps are located side by side, but perform different functions and differ from each other.

The official anatomical term for biceps is the biceps brachii. This large muscle is clearly visible under the skin on the front of the upper arm. Since ancient times, it was believed that it was this muscle that personified the developed musculature of a person - since in physically strong people, the biceps necessarily attracts attention, because it is he who participates in the most frequent movement of the arms, flexion of the elbow joint. Therefore, when assessing the muscularity of the body, first of all, they pay attention to this muscle, and many bodybuilders or simply those who simply want to improve their appearance select special training complexes for the development of this part of the arm.
The biceps is called the biceps muscle, as it consists of two bundles, or heads: long and short. The first is located on the outside of the arm and starts from the edge of the scapula. The second passes from the inside and also originates from the scapula, slightly below the long bundle.
The triceps muscle of the shoulder is similar to the biceps in that it performs a similar function - only it does not flex, but unbends the elbow joint. The muscle is located in the same part of the shoulder of the arm, but on the back. It consists of three bundles: long, medial and lateral. The long head, among other things, is also responsible for the backward movement of the arm.
Athletes and other athletes pay less attention to triceps training, as they believe that only the biceps are responsible for the appearance of a physically strong person. In fact, the biceps muscle is visible only when the elbow is bent or when viewed from the front, and the triceps is responsible for the thickness of the shoulder, which is visible from any position - both from the front, from the back, and from the side. The triceps muscle makes up two-thirds of the muscles in this part of the arm, so it is of great importance in the formation of the muscular shoulder.
Avid bodybuilders and bodybuilders choose isolation exercises for themselves that are aimed at developing any one muscle. But this is not necessary - both biceps and triceps swing with the usual basic exercises: push-ups from the floor, on the uneven bars, bench press. In addition, there is a myth that it is possible to separately pump up various parts of the muscles, although in fact, during any exercise, the entire muscle is strained, accordingly, it grows proportionally in all parts, and its shape depends on genetic characteristics.
Another common misconception is that women should not do arm exercises to avoid looking like a bodybuilder. In fact, the female body does not have enough hormones that are responsible for the growth of muscle mass. As a result, after exercise, your arms will look fit and strong, but not pumped.