Psychological Problems Of Athletes: What You Need To Know

Psychological Problems Of Athletes: What You Need To Know
Psychological Problems Of Athletes: What You Need To Know

Many people start playing sports, going to the gym, building muscle mass for the sake of attracting the opposite sex, and increasing self-esteem. Often this is not at all necessary, it is enough just to understand your own psychological portrait.

Psychological problems of athletes: what you need to know
Psychological problems of athletes: what you need to know

To begin with, it is enough to ask yourself a simple question: "why does a person need big muscles?" Usually it all comes down to complexes, to low self-esteem, from which this activity comes. If a person wants to be healthy, to have active longevity, to feel energetic and vigorous, he will not work out "until the seventh sweat" in the gym. In such cases, the athlete will run, do yoga, and light physical activity.

But what do we see around us? These are people who, under the influence of public opinion, come to "rocking chairs", work to capacity, want big arms, legs, back and so on. From the side of psychology - their motivation to "work to the maximum" is harmful. The fact is that they do it to the detriment of their health, this is one of the main problems of "jocks".


The vast majority of gym visitors have problems with knee joints due to excessive load on squats, problems with teeth, people squeeze their lower jaw too much when "failure approaches" occur.

Such a person is ready to sacrifice the most valuable thing that he has - health and longevity in order to please other people, to receive attention from the outside. A person has internal problems, he is engaged in building up the mass because he is afraid to remain thin, ugly, weak. But, internal problems at the psychological level are rarely solved through external changes. This is how our brain works.

How to fix this problem on a mental level?

The first step is to stop comparing yourself with other people, with those who have the best predisposition to gain muscle mass, who can lift more, and sit better. Engage in physical education primarily for yourself, and not for other people, do not engage in meaningless comparisons, which often lead to an even greater decrease in self-esteem.

Don't make sport an end in itself. Adequate training does not require constant weight gain, senseless overcoming of oneself. Instead of working through these uncomfortable experiences, people go for another pack of sports nutrition, overfulfill the training plan, which in turn rarely leads to psychological and emotional stability.


Analyze. Is sport in your life a tool for self-development, self-improvement? Or are you trying to compensate for mental difficulties? Exercising in practice should only bring relaxation, this is a kind of meditation, an addition to your discipline and self-improvement.

Don't get stuck in the gym, study psychology. Putting sports first in life is worth it only in cases when it brings you incredible pleasure or you get financial income from it. In other cases, it is just an improvement in your daily life.
