What Is The Use Of Twisting A Hoop?

What Is The Use Of Twisting A Hoop?
What Is The Use Of Twisting A Hoop?

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Archaeologists say that the first hoops appeared 3000 years ago in Egypt. Then the hoop was used exclusively for entertainment: people dried the vine and wove a circle from it. This was the hoop.

What is the use of twisting a hoop?
What is the use of twisting a hoop?


Step 1

Spinning the hoop is very good for the heart. When we rotate it around the pelvis, our pulse quickens, the body consumes more oxygen, the cells are saturated with it and the heart muscle is strengthened. Many people think that hoop training is not hard enough. Perhaps so, if we compare the hoop with running. But such training has its advantages as well. For example, you can exercise at home without interrupting watching your favorite movie, or this method may be suitable for people who find it difficult to run, but want to exercise.

Step 2

Will the hoop help you lose weight? Of course yes! Training with this apparatus is also physical activity, which means that calorie burning is better. Plus, you can train with the hoop as hard as you want. The higher the intensity, the more calories are burned. I would like to add that the rotation of the hoop trains the muscles of the press, buttocks and back.

Step 3

The hoop brings irreplaceable benefits to the spine. When it rotates, the back muscles are strengthened and trained, namely: the vertebral muscles. This serves to strengthen the spine itself. Additionally, body posture is trained. Rotating the circle, we cannot slouch, the back is straight all the time.

If it has become very easy for you to perform standard exercises with a hoop, then you can add new movements, that is, combine rotations with dances. There are specialized dance styles such as hupiotics, hupdance and others. Overall, hoop training can bring many benefits to your body and health.
