Some modern bicycles can easily be classified as luxury goods, and their cost approaches the price of a small car. Therefore, buying a used two-wheeled horse no longer seems unusual. In order not to be mistaken when choosing a used bike, you need to know exactly which points you should pay close attention to when purchasing it from your hands.

What to ask the seller about
Most often, used bicycles are sold through advertisements in newspapers or on the Internet. Do not rush to grab the first one you see, especially if the price seems suspiciously low. Question the former owner carefully about how he used it.
You can even make a small list of questions that looks something like this:
- How old is the bike?
- How intensive was its use?
- Who drove it?
- What roads were you driving on (plains, mountainous terrain)?
- Where was the bike stored, in the garage or in front of the house on the street?
Take a close look at the wheels, they should look perfect. For example, have a perfectly round shape. Even slight porosity of tires is not allowed. Check the condition of the spokes, whether they are all present, whether they fit snugly. As a test, you can try to bring two adjacent knitting needles together, they may spring slightly under your fingers, but in no case touch each other. Look for traces of rust on the wheels, if you manage to find any, it is better not to take a bicycle. Raise the bike, spin the wheel and lightly touch the side of the rim with your finger, the slightest unevenness will immediately give itself out with the head.
The next step is to inspect the frame. In no case are even small dents and even more cracks allowed on it. Examine the welds, they rust very easily and sometimes even crack. Bicycle pedals should be well secured on one side, and freely rotate around their axis on the other.
The most important part of a used bike is the brakes, which will affect your safety, and maybe even your life. Check the entire system for integrity, pay special attention to the brake pads, the profile on them should not be less than 1 mm. Drive a dozen meters and perform full braking. The bike should stop immediately, a slight rustling is quite acceptable, but a squeak or squeal is undesirable.
The bike chain should be naturally intact, well tensioned, well lubricated, and free to roll forward and backward. If the bike is equipped with a gearshift system, you will not only have to inspect it, but also test it for operability.
As you can see, choosing a used bike is a real art, so do not hesitate to seem boring, take as much time as possible to inspect, make a test ride, because your meticulousness will depend not only on the safety of yourself, but also of those who meet you along the way.