Gloves are an integral part of the outfit of boxers, kickboxers and athletes of other percussion martial arts. The price range for them is very large, which makes the selection process difficult, especially for a person who is just starting his boxing career.

Selection criteria for boxing gloves
For the correct selection of gloves for a pear, you must first decide how much you are willing to pay for this equipment. The quality of the material and the brand of the glove manufacturer depend on this. After that, you can safely choose the appropriate size and color of equipment.
Glove type
All boxing gloves, depending on their purpose, can be divided into three large groups: fighting, training and shell. For a punching bag, shell gloves are ideal. This equipment is specially designed to work on a variety of equipment - paws, pears, bags and makiwars. Such gloves are thinner and weigh several times less than training and combat gloves. They completely repeat the structure of the fist and come in different sizes.
Closure or Velcro
If you want the gloves to fit perfectly on the wrist, choose lace-up models. The disadvantage of such equipment is that you cannot lace it up yourself. That is why Velcro models will be the best choice for boxing on a bag.
Glove material
Material is another important criterion on the basis of which you should choose gloves for martial arts. Basically, gloves are made from natural and artificial leather. The first option would be preferable. Real leather models will last longer. They retain their shape for a long time and prevent hand sweating. Their only drawback is the high price.
Leatherette models quickly lose their original shape, burst and tear. Hands in such equipment sweat a lot, which can bring discomfort and distract from the training process.
Combined models of gloves can also be found on sale.
Glove filler
Boxing gloves are filled with polyurethane, cotton wool or horsehair. The best choice would be models with a polyurethane filling, since they keep their shape well.
Glove color
In amateur boxing, the basic colors of the gloves are blue and red. Competition models can only have these colors, with a white striking surface. The color variety of punching bag gloves knows no bounds. You can safely choose the color of your outfit to your liking.
Glove weight
The weight of boxing gloves is measured in ounces (oz): 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. The weight of the equipment may vary depending on the nature and purpose of training. So, to develop speed, you should choose the lightest option, and to increase strength endurance - models weighing 18-20 ounces. Keep in mind that the heavier you are, the more your gloves should weigh too.
When trying on gloves, use the same principles as when buying shoes. Gloves should not be too tight or dangling on the hand. They should be measured by first wrapping special boxing bandages around the fist.
Glove brand
There are not so many companies that produce really high-quality boxing equipment, but almost all of them are distinguished by their technological zest. The popularity of the brand and the technologies used affect the price of gloves. The more famous the brand, the more expensive the equipment will cost you. Glove brands such as Everlast, Ringside, Rivals, Adidas, Lonsdale are very popular among boxers.