If you are engaged in any kind of martial arts, then you know well how important it is to practice and improve the blow on a sports equipment. But even if you are not involved in contact sports, pounding a leather enemy is very useful for defusing and relieving stress.

Step 1
The first thing to look out for is the weight of the bag. Since the bag is too light in weight, it will fly off from your blows. The best option is if the weight of the bag is at least a little closer to the weight of a person. The advantage of a bag that will not rush about is also that the shell will not take up much space in a small apartment. In addition, the wallpaper and plaster in the room will be more intact.
Step 2
The next important parameter will be the stiffness of the bag. This criterion is necessary if you are not going to knock out the joints of the hand when you pound your punch (bag). Therefore, even in a sports store, try on the bag, apply 2-3 "test" blows on it. But also the bag should not be too soft, in which your blow will "sink". Firstly, such a bag is not suitable for practicing blows, and secondly, it is easy to turn the brush out on it.
Step 3
Next in the ranking is the filling of the bag. Usually, the bags are filled with sand, tyrsa, or rubber shavings. However, if the bag is filled only with tyrsa, then it will fall off rather quickly, it will become compacted at the bottom and soft at the top. Of course, this problem can be solved on your own, simply shaking out the entire "inside" of the projectile and filling it back with layers of sand and tyrsa, fill the bag. However, the best option would be a bag filled with rubber shavings. This material does not rot, age, or drift. True, it also has a drawback: it is lighter. However, there is a simple solution: you just need to add sand inside. On the other hand, these bags are more expensive.
Step 4
Now about the material of the cover. Usually it is soft PVC, vinyl or leather. Although PVC and vinyl are cheaper, these types of materials wear out faster. Leather is much stronger and, according to some, more aesthetically pleasing. But vinyl is easier to clean.
Step 5
Then pay attention to the fastening mechanism - several steel rings that run around the perimeter of the top edge of the bag. This is a secure attachment, but the uppercut can cause the bag to jump off the hooks. Therefore, it is better to bend the hooks first. Another type of fastener: rope fasteners that come together and attach to the ring. This type of fastening is suitable only for more or less light bags. If you are going to hang a bag of 40 kg or more, such fasteners will not work in this case.
Step 6
When choosing the height of the bag, you need to proceed from the possibilities of the height of the room in which you will hang the bag. And also from what you are going to create with him. The best option would be high bags from 120 cm, because blows can be applied to all levels. But if your bag will serve less extreme purposes, then a shell of 60-80 cm may be suitable for you.