Take Care Of Your Figure And Health With Home Cardiovascular Equipment

Take Care Of Your Figure And Health With Home Cardiovascular Equipment
Take Care Of Your Figure And Health With Home Cardiovascular Equipment

Cardio equipment is an exercise equipment that causes an intense increase in heart rate. Some monotonous action is performed on them for a long time. As a result, subcutaneous fat is burned and the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

Take care of your figure and health with home cardiovascular equipment
Take care of your figure and health with home cardiovascular equipment

Purchasing exercise equipment is a great option for those who do not have time to engage in physical activity outside the home. For example, go to the gym or outside. If your priorities are health and a beautiful figure, not muscle growth, cardiovascular equipment is ideal for you. Active movements on them are often physiologically natural: running, walking, rowing. You need to exercise on a cardiovascular machine for at least half an hour, monitoring your breathing. Under this condition, subcutaneous fat will be burned. Benefits for the cardiovascular system will be for any duration of training, even ten minutes.

Cardio trainers are the following: treadmill, elliptical trainers, rowing machine, bicycle, stepper. Choose the one that is closest to you. It should be pleasant to study. You can consider each simulator separately. A stepper is a stair climbing simulator. Therefore, in addition to losing weight, it will contribute to the development of the muscles of the lower extremities. Climbing stairs from everyday activities is recognized as the most energy-consuming action. Running or cycling doesn't match it. There are no contraindications for using a stepper. Exercise bike - a simulator of cycling. This simulator develops leg muscles to a lesser extent, and to a greater extent contributes to endurance and weight loss.

If you do not have the strength to train, do not force yourself. Exercising through force develops a strong dislike for sports in general.

The exercise bike has the function of selecting the "ride" relief, in accordance with which the resistance of the pedals is automatically changed. As a result, driving downhill, on a flat road and uphill is imitated. All this allows you to get the most out of the "trip". It is known that cycling faster than other cardio equipment gives a positive result, as it is less tiring.

Treadmill - A moving belt for walking or running, depending on the selected speed. But there are many contraindications for running. First of all, problems with the musculoskeletal system. Running puts a lot of stress on the spine. Therefore, if you have health problems, it is better to walk at a reasonable pace.

Elliptical trainers combine arm and leg movements and are equipped with levers and pedals. Exercising on them is somewhat similar to exercising on a treadmill, only with more active participation of the upper half of the body. It should be noted that the load is applied to all parts of the muscles. So an elliptical trainer is a great way to always keep your body in good shape. The rowing machine is more specific and less popular. It simulates swimming movements. But the load on the spine is too great, as well as on the muscles of the arms and shoulders. Therefore, not everyone may like such a simulator; most often it is chosen by men, not housewives.

Remember to combine exercise with proper nutrition. Do not eat 2 hours before training and 1 hour after, otherwise calories from food will be burned, not fat.

In order for cardiovascular exercises to give the desired effect, you need to carry them out correctly. Be sure to warm up your muscles before exercising. Make basic movements with your arms, legs and body for 5 minutes. Remember the school workout: swings, rotations, bends. Then start your cardio workout. Soberly assess your timing options. If you choke and fall off your feet after 10 minutes, you do not need to rape yourself. In 1-2 weeks it will be 15 minutes, and in a month - 20. The main thing is that the classes are feasible. They must energize. Exercise at least 4 times a week.
