Alpine skiing has long ceased to be a purely sports discipline, becoming a very popular type of active recreation for millions of people around the world. The Alps are considered the birthplace of downhill skiing, but now there are ski slopes even in countries where there is absolutely no snow. All of them allow anyone to ski, regardless of experience and sporting qualifications.

All ski slopes, depending on the complexity indicators, can be conditionally divided into a number of categories.
Trails for beginners
Green slopes are among the simplest. Beginner skiers can ride along them "in a straight line", practically without speed. So, in the presence of a slightly larger slope, there is always a counter bias. In most cases, even skiers who do not know how to turn will definitely stop on it. Such trails are carefully looked after so that there are no bumps.
There are no age restrictions in alpine skiing. You can start at 4-6, 11-12, and 14-15 years old. And the retirement age is by no means a hindrance to skiing.
Average level
Next in difficulty are the blue slopes - they are intended for skiers of the so-called intermediate level. On routes of this type, the steepness of some sections increases, along with variable relief. They are also characterized by the absence of hillocks, sharp changes in relief slopes, the presence of an increased steepness. All this makes the descent on the blue track more varied and interesting, and the straight, frequent sections with a slight slope allow you to ride at speed.
Trails for professionals
Red runs are considered difficult. They are specially created for high-level athletes. Trails of this type are distinguished by an even more increased steepness, the absence of flat sections with a combination of short steep places. In order to ski on such tracks, you need to be very good at short-radius turns on parallel skis, which allow you to extinguish speed in time. Experienced skiers on the red slopes can ski in both small and large arcs throughout the entire speed range. Such trails are carefully looked after, since with a large number of skiers, bumps may appear by the end of the day.
The first place among the best ski slopes is occupied by the Canadian Whistler. It is located 120 kilometers from Vancouver.
Also, a number of off-piste slopes with less steepness fall into this category, which, due to natural features, cannot be recommended for skiers with little skiing experience. Slopes of this type are often marked with a red dotted line.
Black trails are especially difficult - they are designed for professionals, since they are characterized by difficult sections, from hard steep boards with bumps to virgin snow, not gentle, but narrow places, sharp turns with various slopes. On the diagrams, descents of this kind are indicated by a black dotted line. It also includes artificial bumps for halfpipe, mogul and trampolines for snowboarders.