Everyone knows about the benefits of exercise for keeping your body in good shape. But many of us justify our sedentary lifestyle with the workload, the lack of time for sports in everyday life. Sometimes we are overcome by elementary laziness. Meanwhile, you can give your body sufficient physical activity without wasting time. The simplest gymnastics can be performed while sitting at a desk or lying in front of the TV. Even standing in a traffic jam is a great excuse to do some simple exercises.

The whole complex will take no more than five minutes, but it is advisable to perform it every hour. Of course, such a requirement may seem difficult to meet. Try to set yourself up to exercise at any free moment during the day, depending on the situation and desire.
- This exercise is done while sitting. Raise the toes of both feet without lifting the heels off the floor. You need to do 40 repetitions.
- Following the previous exercise, also 40 times, raise the heels. Socks are pressed to the floor.
- The next exercise is to rhythmically squeeze and release the gluteus muscles. We do 40 repetitions. You can perform lying, sitting or standing.
- Now you need to slowly draw in and protrude your stomach. The number of repetitions is no more than 15 times. We perform lying, sitting or standing.
- In a sitting or standing position, slowly move the shoulder blades to the spine and return them to their original position. We do 40 repetitions.
- Lying, sitting or standing, we stretch our arms in front of us, we begin to clench and unclench our fists. We repeat 40 times.
Performing these simple exercises in between times, you will very soon notice that the arrow of the floor scales began to deviate to the left, and the body became slim and fit.