In order to keep the body in shape, a person needs to actively engage in sports for at least 2-3 hours a week, and preferably more. What to do if you cannot find any strength or desire for this? Instead of scolding yourself for laziness, make it a rule to do at least simple exercises - exercises for the lazy.

Mix business with pleasure
If you like to lie on the couch in front of the TV - use this time to benefit your body. While watching your favorite program, you can spin an exercise bike, swing your abs or work out with dumbbells - you can even do more than usual as you will be carried away by the TV. Doing various chores around the house can also be combined with exercise. Iron your clothes - stand on your toes to pump up your calves. Wipe off the dust - turn on the music and dance actively. Working out with your child is just the perfect opportunity for exercise, you can jump or dance together.
Sports with friends
Team sports are a great alternative to fitness, plus they are much more fun. Football, volleyball, table tennis, badminton - you can think of a lot of options. There is no way to play - go for a bike ride or rollerblading, and in winter - sledging and skiing with children.
Walking is also a good way to warm up and burn some calories. You can, for example, go out 2 stops earlier in the morning and go to work on foot, walk during your lunch break, or go for a walk on weekends.
At work
For many people, work limits the ability to move during the day. Try to find opportunities to strain your body once more. Go up and down the stairs instead of the elevator, and instead of talking on the phone with a colleague, get up and walk to her office.