Running is one of the types of physical activity that most favorably affects the general condition of the human body. Daily jogging can help you lose weight, continuously tone your body, and develop virtually every muscle in your body.

Step 1
Throughout your run, your body engages your abdominals and chest muscles. With good development of these muscles, they are excellent helpers in maintaining posture over long distances and in the final stages of races. Correct and level posture helps to improve your stride, thus allowing you to save energy while running. Additionally, you can develop these muscles using horizontal presses or push-ups from the floor.
Step 2
To maintain correct body posture, the body uses not only the pectoral and abdominal muscles, but also the muscles of the back. The main spinal muscles involved in running are the rhomboid muscle, the large round muscle, and the latissimus muscle. They balance the balance of the body and, along with the abdominal muscles, are an undeniable advantage over long distances. The trapezius muscle and strong deltas help improve hand function and allow for proper head position. In order to develop the muscles of the back, it is necessary to perform vertical and horizontal rows on the bar. To avoid muscle imbalance, it is necessary to perform exercises designed to strengthen the back and pectoral muscles in a balanced manner.
Step 3
The muscles in the shoulders and arms help maintain balance while jogging. In addition, the retraction of one of the arms back serves as a kind of counterweight that does not allow a person to fall. The main loads in this area fall on the shoulder joint, and the auxiliary ones - on the elbow. Hand activity depends on the type of running. Long distance runners use their arms less actively, while sprinters use correct and quick hand movements to win those extra fractions of a second. The muscles of the shoulders and arms can be developed using the same exercises as the muscles of the back of the trunk.
Step 4
The muscles of the mid-body include the abdominal muscles, the gluteus maximus, and the erector spine. Their main task when running is to stabilize the body. Standing twisting and hyperextension on a fitball will help develop these muscles.
Step 5
The muscles of the legs receive the greatest load during running. The quadriceps muscle allows you to straighten the knee joint and pull the knee to the chest. The posterior muscle group allows you to straighten the leg at the hip joint and bend it at the knee. Deadlifts and squats are effective for training this muscle group. The lower legs are slightly less involved when running, but they also play a key role. In the process of flexion and extension of the foot, as well as its rotation, the muscles of the foot are involved, and during the push of the leg, the muscles of the lower leg. To strengthen these muscles, toe raises on the edge of a flat surface are best.