If you decide to get serious about running, you need to have a general understanding of the physiological and anatomical features inherent in this type of athletics. Such knowledge will help you to build a training program correctly, correctly work out the technique of movement and protect you from possible injuries that are often encountered when jogging.

Running is a versatile sport because it combines different movements and involves a variety of muscle groups. Of course, the main load during running falls on the musculoskeletal system. It may seem strange, but until now, experts in the field of healthy lifestyles argue whether running load really promotes muscle development, having a beneficial effect on the body, or whether running does not lead to noticeable positive results, having a detrimental effect on muscles and ligaments.
Most experts agree that running has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. This positive effect begins to manifest itself immediately after the start of systematic training. The performance of the heart muscle gradually increases, it begins to pump more and more blood and works much more actively. The walls of the heart increase slightly in size, which leads to an increase in the lumen of the coronary arteries. As a result, the myocardium is supplied with blood in an enhanced mode.
In order for the heart muscle to become more involved in work, it is enough to jog for one and a half to two months, three times a week. In addition to improving the work of the heart muscle while running, the metabolism is accelerated and the blood supply to those muscles of the body that are actively involved in the running load is improved.
Running develops, of course, the muscles of the legs. With this type of movement, the greatest load falls on different muscle groups, which depends on the running technique and the specific conditions in which the training takes place.
When running uphill, the muscles located in the front of the lower leg, which under normal conditions are practically not used, are most active. This should be taken into account when planning the load, since climbing uphills and jogging over rough terrain can initially cause pain in the lower leg area. With training, such unpleasant sensations disappear.
Running in a straight, flat area involves the muscles of the back of the lower leg and thigh. The extensor muscles are more actively loaded during high-speed overcoming of short distances, where running, as a rule, is carried out on the forefoot.
With the correct running technique, the muscles of the back, neck and abdominals will be involved. A serious load falls on the shoulder girdle and arms, which actively help the body during intense running. A well-developed hand technique while running allows you to maintain balance and regulate the pace of movement, especially on difficult sections of the track.
With strict adherence to medical recommendations, jogging in general has a very beneficial effect both on the general development of body functions and on the work of various muscle groups. That is why running training is necessarily included in the training program for athletes involved in fitness, game sports and even athletic gymnastics.