Getting up from a prone position is one of the cherished desires of fans of action films and lovers of rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. This technique is incredibly difficult to perform. This requires comprehensive training.

Step 1
Train your legs. They play one of the main roles when lifting from a prone position. Be sure to do a series of squats for 3-5 sets daily or every other day, doing 15-20 reps with light weight on your shoulders or 20-25 without weights, holding your hands behind your head. Train the quads and triceps of the legs by exercising on special machines and bending your legs from a sitting or prone position. Build a proportional shape. If you have belly fat, try to get rid of them with abdominal exercises, as well as general strengthening - jogging, swimming, cycling.
Step 2
Make your arms stronger. Push up from the floor, doing at least 15-20 reps in 3 sets. If possible, train your biceps and triceps using dumbbells. Perform pull-ups on the bar.
Step 3
Start exercising in prone lifts. This technique has its own tricks and with due attention you will understand that it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First, learn to jump sharply to your feet. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, palms down. Relax the muscles in your upper body, tighten your arms as much as possible, and begin to swing your legs back towards you. As soon as they begin to move in the opposite direction, push off sharply with your palms off the floor and feet from the air and try to land on your feet, straightening your back and not toppling back. As you jump, lean forward as much as possible to bring your balance back to your feet. The first time you are unlikely to be able to achieve what you want, but hard training will do the trick.
Step 4
Try to get up from a prone position without jumping out. It's even harder to do this, but by practicing jumping out and continuing to exercise, you can get what you want. To make things easier, first try to get to your feet by holding onto something, such as a rope tied to the doorknob. Gradually begin to ascend without any aids.