The lotus pose is one of the main yoga asanas for meditation. It is the basic basis for any set of asanas. Her position is sitting, legs crossed, with the legs on opposite hips; used since the days of ancient India. Used for meditation in Hindu yoga and for Buddhist contemplative practice. The pose resembles the nutty Lotus in its appearance, in honor of which it received its name.

This position in yoga is called "padmasana", but we are more accustomed to such a name as "lotus position". Despite the apparent simplicity, this position is quite complex and requires a certain amount of experience and training. Mastering the lotus position should be done gradually and with care so as not to damage the muscles, ligaments and joints. It usually takes a beginner a couple of weeks to a couple of months to learn how to sit in the lotus position.

To assume the lotus position, sit upright, straighten your shoulders and extend your spine upward. Bend your right leg at the knee and, taking it by the foot, place it on your left thigh. Make sure that the sole of your right foot is turned up. Then do the same with your left leg, placing it on your right. Keep your knees flat on the floor and keep your back straight.
It is unlikely that anyone will be able to immediately sit in the lotus position, however, a person who has learned to accept this position can be in it for quite a long time, while not experiencing discomfort.

To sit in the lotus position, you need to strengthen the knee and ankle joints, make them more flexible and elastic. This exercise will help for this. Sit on the floor and bend your knee, then place your foot on the thigh of the opposite leg and pull up as high as possible. Make sure that the knee of the bent leg is pressed to the floor, and you do not experience pain or discomfort. If you can't do the exercise right away, train gradually, stretching your leg and trying to reach the floor with your knee. Fix this position and sit like this for a few minutes, and then change your leg. This position is called "half lotos".
By exercising daily, you will notice that your legs will become much more flexible. Then gradually begin to lift your foot as high as possible along the thigh of the opposite leg.

Another great stretching exercise is the butterfly. Sit on the floor and bend your knees, bringing your feet together. Use the knees of both feet to try to reach the floor. To do this, swing your legs, gradually increasing the amplitude, like a butterfly flaps its wings.
This exercise is also excellent for stretching: wrap your hands around the lower leg of your right leg, while the knee should be in contact with the inside of the right elbow, and the foot should be in contact with the left. Gently swing your leg in different directions, then do the same with the lower leg of the left leg.
Learning to take the lotus position is evidence that a person has a good stretch. Therefore, it is so important to do exercises that increase the flexibility of the ligaments and joints.
Another useful exercise. Sit on the floor and bring your feet together as you would for a butterfly exercise. At the same time, try to pull your heels as close to the groin area as possible. Bend your torso forward, trying to reach the floor with your face, then straighten. After a couple of minutes, repeat the inclines. Then straighten your legs and spread them as wide as possible to the sides and again try to bend forward.
Padmasana is a very beneficial exercise for the whole body. It helps to relax and promote peace. If you believe the teachings of yoga, padmasan a helps to restore the internal resources of the body, and doctors say that the correct implementation of the lotus position helps to strengthen the back.