A beautiful press cannot be achieved without effort. But if the goal is set, then you only need to make efforts. Press cubes take time and practice. On the way to the relief abs, you need to go through two stages: the first is to pump up the abs and muscle corset, the second is to get rid of excess fat.

Step 1
First, decide for yourself where you will study. In order to make your workouts regular, it is best to purchase a gym membership. In addition, there is the necessary equipment and simulators. You can also consult a trainer about a particular exercise.
Step 2
Secondly, immediately set aside free time for classes so that there are no breaks.
Step 3
If you do decide to exercise at home, then with regular training, the exercises below will help you achieve the perfect abs.
Step 4
Use a crunch exercise to work your upper abs. Lie on a bench for pumping the press with a reverse tilt and lock your legs in the supports. Once you're in a stable position, place your arms behind your head and tilt as far as you can. In this case, the muscles of the press should be tense. This exercise should be repeated in 5 sets of 7 reps.
Step 5
Swing the lower press on a special trainer for the abdominal muscles. Fix your back in a comfortable position on the back of the simulator, then grab the handles. The body should hang freely. Next, straighten your legs and perform swinging movements to eye level. Try to complete 6 sets.
Step 6
The lateral muscles form the abdominal corset. The best exercises for working out the lateral muscles are bends in different directions. Straighten, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands to your temples. Tilt to the left as deep as possible. Then straighten up and repeat the bend, only to the right. Do 5 sets of 25 reps on each side of the press.
Step 7
Sit on the edge of the bench, raise your legs so that they are bent at the knees at right angles. In order to increase the load, try not to rest your hands on the bench. Keep them at chest level. Next, gently turn your left shoulder towards your right knee. Return carefully to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise, but with a turn to the other side.
Step 8
Repeat these exercises for ten days, and then, continuing to exercise, begin the second stage - burning fat. Get on a treadmill or exercise bike. By using any of these machines half an hour before your workout, you will achieve more effective results. Also review your diet. Eat fewer carbohydrates, give up fatty, floury foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and drink more water.