How To Pump Up A Press With A Press Roller

How To Pump Up A Press With A Press Roller
How To Pump Up A Press With A Press Roller

The press roller is a unique, interesting tool. The perfect way to build abs and strengthen your back muscles. But you need to know how to use it.

How to pump up a press with a press roller
How to pump up a press with a press roller

Building abs and burning belly fat is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are many different machines, and one of the most effective is the press roller.

It's not a secret for anyone how to perform an exercise on this simulator, but you should know that you should not overload. Pain in the lumbar region may appear.

The exercise is performed only after thoroughly warming up the muscles of the trunk. The exercise itself is done in several approaches. Rest between them should be about 2-3 minutes.

For those who are already able to perform this exercise more than 20 times per set, you can try to complicate it. For example, do it from a stand, not from your knees. Or turn slightly to the sides during kata.

The cost of the video is inexpensive. The cheapest shell can be purchased for several hundred rubles. There are models with a plastic wheel over which a rubber band is stretched. It flies off when heated, which occurs during exercise. It is best to buy a roller with a fully rubberized wheel.

It is very convenient to pump the press with a roller. All that is needed is a flat surface. It will take no more than half an hour to complete the exercise with a preliminary warm-up.
