How To Make A Vacuum

How To Make A Vacuum
How To Make A Vacuum

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Vacuum is a trendy and effective abdominal exercise that came to fitness from yoga. This practice helps to work out the transverse abdominal muscle and significantly reduce the waist. The vacuum won't give you abs cubes, but it will flatten this area.

How to make a vacuum
How to make a vacuum


Step 1

The vacuum can be done while sitting, standing or lying down. It is better to do it daily on an empty stomach, in the morning immediately after waking up. The easiest way to start this practice is from a standing position. Bend your knees, round your back, and place your hands on the front of your thigh. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale sharply through your mouth. Pull your abdominal muscles inward and upward. If you do the vacuum exercise in front of a mirror, you will see that your belly is completely pulled inward. Hold your breath as you exhale and hold out as long as possible. Perhaps at first you will be able to do it for 15 seconds, with practice - longer and longer. In total, you need to do 3-5 approaches.

Step 2

Exercise vacuum for the abdomen gives not only a visual effect, but also has a positive effect on the work of internal organs. The work of the intestines starts. Some yoga instructors recommend drinking water before performing the vacuum to enhance the effect of the exercise. In parallel, you strengthen your lumbar region and improve your posture. Yogis claim that the vacuum stimulates the vagus nerve, which has a beneficial effect on mood. This exercise is especially useful after childbirth, because it is used to prevent and correct the prolapse of internal organs. This is one of the first exercises that new mothers are allowed to do. However, before performing it, it is better to consult with a gynecologist.

Step 3

Despite the impressive list of positive effects on the body, the vacuum also has contraindications. First of all, these include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, an ulcer. It is also not worth doing a vacuum in the postoperative period. Those suffering from cystitis or other diseases of the genitourinary system should also refrain from performing a vacuum. It is also contraindicated on critical days and during pregnancy. If you are not worried about any of the above, but are pursued by painful or unpleasant sensations after a vacuum, you should not perform it. The only thing that is normal for beginners in this practice is problems with holding their breath from habit, for example, a slight cough or inability not to breathe for more than 5-10 seconds. Over time, they should pass.
