How To Remove The Stomach With The "Vacuum" Exercise

How To Remove The Stomach With The "Vacuum" Exercise
How To Remove The Stomach With The "Vacuum" Exercise

Exercise "Vacuum" is very effective for reducing the waist and creating a flat stomach. In a very short time, with its help, you can reduce the volume of your waist and turn the abs into close to ideal. Your figure will gain shape through regular exercise. It is very important not to miss them. The Vacuum exercise is very easy, so it is suitable for everyone, both men and women.

How to remove belly with exercise
How to remove belly with exercise

Exercise "Vacuum" is a retraction of the abdomen and a delay of 20-30 seconds in this state. Exercise has many positive effects. Strengthens the rectus abdominis muscles and deeply lying back muscles, trains the suspension of the internal organs, rejuvenates and massages the internal organs. But for us the most important thing is that Vakkum makes your waist thinner, removes an ugly hanging belly. Which is very beneficial from an aesthetic point of view. If earlier you worked only on how to develop muscles in the waist area (pumped the press, etc.), now it's time to do that exercise that will make the waist itself narrow.

There are several options for doing this exercise:

  1. You can get on all fours and, exhaling air, draw in your stomach as much as possible for 20-30 seconds.
  2. Another option: Fisherman Pose. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend slightly at the knees. Put your hands on your hips just above the knees, with your fingers inward. Relax your back and transfer the weight to your palms. After that, we exhale as much as possible and draw in the stomach.

The easiest way to start mastering this exercise is on all fours. Then you can forget how to do it while sitting. Well, then standing up. After a while, you will notice that it has become much easier for you to unconsciously control your belly and even like it.

Once you master the technique, you can do this exercise anywhere and as often as you like. In a traffic jam, on public transport, at work, at a bus stop. Just practice and use your time.
