How To Do The Vacuum Exercise Correctly

How To Do The Vacuum Exercise Correctly
How To Do The Vacuum Exercise Correctly

A hateful layer of fat on the belly is found in most women. One of the most popular and effective exercises is the abdominal vacuum. But practically no one succeeds in doing it on the first try, without learning the technique. For the result to appear, it is important to understand how to do the vacuum exercise correctly.

How to do the vacuum exercise correctly
How to do the vacuum exercise correctly

Why is vacuum exercise for the abdomen useful?

Very often, complexes of exercises like "how to get a narrow waist in 10 minutes a day" do not lead to pronounced results. It has long been studied and proven that only a balanced diet with a moderate calorie deficit can help you lose fat. If you go on a diet, the body will begin to lose weight not due to excess fat, but at the cost of its own muscles. As a result, the quality of the body will not be satisfying.

Active pumping just the press will also not give the waist. In some cases, even the opposite effect is possible. Due to muscle growth, the waist can become visually larger.

But there is a special exercise that has been known for a very long time. This is the vacuum of the abdomen. This exercise was still actively used by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The vacuum came to training from yoga. It actively helps to reduce the waist and achieve a perfectly flat belly. If you read the reviews about the vacuum exercise, you can determine that about 3 cm can be removed in the shortest possible time.

The peculiarity of the exercise is that during the usual classical exercises for the press, only the rectus abdominis muscle is mainly involved. The vacuum allows you to work out the transverse muscle, thanks to which the ability to hold the abdomen appears.

The transverse abdominal muscle can also be called a kind of belt that allows you to visually narrow the waist. In addition, with constant exercise, you can see how the back pain decreases.

But there are contraindications for performing the vacuum exercise:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Period of menstruation.
  3. Postoperative period.
  4. Stomach ulcer.

If the exercise causes severe pain, you should stop exercising and see a doctor.

What are the options for performing vacuum exercises

In practice, only 4 starting positions are known for performing the vacuum exercise:

  1. Standing.
  2. Sitting.
  3. Lying on your back with bent or straight legs.
  4. Standing on all fours.

It is better for beginners to choose any position other than the first one. It is considered the most difficult to perform a vacuum of the abdomen while standing.

Technique for performing the exercise vacuum for the abdomen

Regardless of the position of the body, the implementation of the vacuum exercise consists of 6 stages:

  1. After taking the starting position, it is necessary to inhale the maximum amount of oxygen through the nasal passages.
  2. With the help of a sharp exit of air through the oral cavity, it is necessary to free the lungs from oxygen as much as possible.
  3. When exhaling air, you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible. To do this, you can imagine that you want to press the navel against the spine.
  4. The air cannot be inhaled for 15 seconds. If at the beginning of the exercise practice the vacuum cannot be held without oxygen, then you can try to take a small breath without relaxing the abdominal muscles.
  5. Begin to smoothly relax your abdominal muscles, while exhaling calmly and slowly. Abrupt actions are not allowed.
  6. It remains to make a few smooth inhalation and exhalation, and then repeat the vacuum exercise again.

Over time, you can hold the air for one minute. The number of approaches can be increased up to 5 times.
