How To Combine Yoga With Eating

How To Combine Yoga With Eating
How To Combine Yoga With Eating

This is an important question and is often asked to the instructor in class. What can you say about this? The effectiveness of the entire practice depends on how correctly we act in this regard.

Kak sochetat 'zanjatie jogoj s prinjatiem pishhi?
Kak sochetat 'zanjatie jogoj s prinjatiem pishhi?

Do not start practicing if you are too hungry. Of course, it is not appropriate to start exercising immediately after eating! If you are really hungry before practicing yoga, then it makes sense to have something light to eat. After that, wait fifteen to twenty minutes.

The approach to nutrition in relation to practice depends on several factors. And from the habits of the person himself and how light the snack was. The ideal option would be when after a meal an hour and a half passes. In this state, the body does not experience hunger, but also no longer feels the feeling of heaviness from food. Then discomfort in the body will not distract us from the practice.

One more point. We can use the food factor for educational purposes at first. What is meant? Our body has its own needs. One of his main needs is to be fed. Our body, especially when we have not previously developed the habit of regular exercise, tends to be lazy. You can “tell” your body to eat after exercising. And then, when such a pattern becomes a stimulus, the body itself will wait for the occupation, because a stable association will be developed. I worked out, got a reward. It's good to use it at first, when our goal is to train ourselves to practice. This method, if it suits you, can be used.

Other motivations can be used. Everyone will have their own. With the help of a system of motivations, our likes and dislikes, we will make sure that our preferences carry us in the direction we need. We have individual needs and it would be nice to use them. It turns out that we do not force our body, but it itself directs us to our development and "asks" to start practice.
