Sometimes expectant mothers are called "crystal vases". And this is correct, because a tiny and weak man lives inside a woman. But this does not mean at all that pregnant women should not go in for sports. Exercise is required while carrying a baby, because it prepares the body for childbirth.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to exercise. After all, fitness helps to control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, prepares muscles and ligaments for serious stress, and normalizes weight. Studies show that women who were involved in a particular sport during pregnancy gave birth more easily. They had weaker and shorter contractions, and if there was a need for a caesarean section, they had a shorter rehabilitation period.
But, of course, not all classes are suitable for expectant mothers. For example, pregnant women are of the opinion that cycling is beneficial while carrying a baby. But in fact, this activity is strictly prohibited, because it is a very traumatic sport. In pregnant women, due to changes in blood flow, the reaction rate also changes. Those. a woman in a position controls a bicycle much worse and can fall even on a flat path. And any injury threatens with problems with the child.
It is also not advisable to swing the press, perform sharp movements and lift weights. But all other exercises can be performed, however, slowly and calmly. For example, you can do bends, turns, squats, arm and leg swings. There should be a break of at least 24 hours between classes. It is best to do fitness 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes.
To prepare your body for childbirth, you need to perform a certain set of exercises. You can compose it yourself or with the help of an instructor. Before starting workouts, it is best to consult with your doctor, because all pregnancies are not alike. And, perhaps, you have any contraindications.
The set of classes should include exercises for the development of the following muscles: abdomen, back, pelvic floor. It is also advisable to perform actions aimed at improving movement coordination, preventing flat feet, and doing breathing exercises. Of course, exercise should not be focused on weight loss. Your task is to strengthen the muscles, prepare them for childbirth.