Why Do We Need Meditation

Why Do We Need Meditation
Why Do We Need Meditation

Where and why did meditation come to yoga and our life? Yoga tells us to this that when a person is engaged in self-knowledge using breathing, mental, physical practices, his sensitivity is greatly aggravated. Plus, practitioners usually have a lot of stress on the body. And meditation helps a person to relax, to restore the reserve of strength for further practices.

Zachem nam meditacija?
Zachem nam meditacija?

People in modern society experience stress, they solve problems at work and at home, there is a sorely lack of time! And where to get the vital energy for recovery ?! The answer is meditation practice! It is through the practice of immersion in ourselves that we can gain strength!

Why do we find ourselves in conditions where there is an acute lack of vitality?

If we are talking about people practicing yoga, then they go for it deliberately. They know themselves through various exercises. Through body exercises, through breathing exercises, and others. They also use meditation for self-knowledge. And she, in turn, gives them strength for new "experiments" and searches.

If we talk about people who do not use yoga practices in their lives, then there may be several reasons. This may be our disorder in everyday life, perhaps, problems in relationships and the inability to build them, a constant race for results imposed by the consumer society.

And yet, and many more different reasons. Ecology, poor quality food and water! Yes, there is simply no rest! At work and in transport, we lose energy, we adapt all day. So we don't have silence at home either. This is true for those who live in high-rise buildings in large cities. Music of neighbors, noise of street roads, and this almost never stops.

In general, there are a lot of reasons why energy is wasted. So short and stress to get. And in such cases, meditation will help!

Gather strength, balance the flow of thoughts. But we remember that meditation is the same tool for self-knowledge, like all techniques in yoga. Relaxation and stress relief is a great side effect of this practice. Not a bad bonus at all. And self-knowledge, and help in the conditions of modern life.
