Vipassana is a special off-site meditation training course, which is held in some place remote from the usual city for more than 10 days. These courses are very popular with those engaged in self-development and seeking to improve the quality of their lives.

Quite a few people at a certain stage in their lives ask questions about whether they are actually busy with something important for themselves and those around them, or whether they are simply stupidly wasting the most valuable and non-renewable of all resources available to them - time - living their lives “on the machine” … In order to stop the rapid flow of life, to look around and think about who they are, where they are and what they have achieved, people striving for self-knowledge and harmonious development of their personality are suitable for vipassana - a ten-day vow of silence.
How to get to Vipassana?
On the territory of Russia, the most famous and has repeatedly proven itself from the best side is the ten-day course of Vipassana, which usually takes place not far from the capital. The venue can be, for example, the territory of a children's camp - of course, not in the summer. You can apply for participation in the course on the community pages in any social network, as well as on the organization's website - all this is easy to find using a search engine.
The organizers reserve the right to select participants based on the questionnaires completed by each of them. Preference is given to adequate, non-conflict people without bad habits that will not create problems for other participants in the event. It is not necessary to be a vegetarian to participate in the retreat, but for someone who cannot imagine a normal meal without meat, it can be very difficult to adhere to an unusual diet for more than 10 days.
What is included in the Vipassana course?
As follows from the reviews of those hundreds of people who have already gone through a many-day vow of silence, different-sex cadets live separately throughout the retreat and their contacts are minimized. This means that men and women during the course can see each other exclusively in the meditation hall, where cadets spend 10-12 hours daily. Many hours of meditation help to clear a person's consciousness of all unnecessary and give him a chance to understand his purpose.
People who complete the course, despite how difficult it is for them not to communicate with anyone and lose all means of communication for 10 days, receive a lot as a result. The main thing is a truly invaluable skill of stopping the internal dialogue, because the human nervous system can qualitatively recover precisely in those minutes when his brain is not busy "digesting" this or that information. As a useful bonus, during the course of the retreat, the participants, as it were, automatically receive answers to various questions that could have tormented them for years before.
Keep in mind that in Russia, an application for participation in a Vipassana course must be submitted almost six months before the course itself. This is due to the huge number of potential cadets.